Its been a very long time since ive blogged! Not that anybody really reads my blog but for the one that does (bryton:) ) here is the update!
Ive been out in LA for about a week now. I had the amazing opportunity to take my Jr Co dancers to Nationals with the rest of Center Stage. It was exciting to be on the other side of things this time around. I was a competitor last year at NUVO Nationals and now i had the chance to share it with my cute little chickens! Needless to say Center Stage swept the competition! I was a proud little mamma sitting in the audience cheering the dancers on. I cant even tell you how great it was to take class again. I was reminded why i love doing what i do!
Nationals ended on thursday and now I’m crashing at my best friends house who I haven’t seen in way to long! Thank goodness haylee doesn’t mind me tagging along on her crazy LA life! Ill be out here till Aug 10th. Quite awhile huh? I have the opportunity to dance for an exciting show and i cant wait to start rehearsals tomorrow! eeek! hopefully my body can keep up with the insane talent ill be working with…I guess I’m just gonna have to cross my fingers and hope i can keep up! I feel like I’m just going with the flow…. I dont have a car….or a place of my own…so hopefully this continues to work out! like i said…Living like a Gyspy!!
1 Comment
July 29, 2010 at 4:00 amHope all is going well with the show and you are loving your time in LA. It was fun to hear your voice the other day, hopefully soon we can really Skype and catch up.
Love you!