The past three weeks have been full of adult decisions that had to be made. I returned from NYC and immediately begun to look for my own apartment. I had anticipated it only taking a day or two but I was way off…After failing at finding something that wasn’t a retirement home or in a dump, I gave up and called a Realtor. Thank goodness I did! She was a friend of a cast member and took care of me like I was her own. We found the perfect place and spent some long hours nailing down all the adult stuff. I had no idea most of the questions I should be asking before I signed on the dotted line, but thankfully she guided me right through the whole process. By 2 p.m. on a Friday afternoon I got the keys to my new apartment and drove straight home to Utah.
My excuse to drive to Utah was that I needed to get the rest of my things (which is mostly true) but…I really just wanted to see my fiance! I’m beginning to see that the long distance relationship that I thought would fly by, seems to be a lot harder…But we do our best:) It was great to be home to plan a wedding, see friends and family, and spend time with Carson.
…sadly, I had to go back to sin city and take care of my new place….For the first week I only had an air mattress and boxes to fill the empty space! Not much of a home to come home to… Although I still have a long way to go, my cute place is coming along. Carson flew down about 3 weeks after I left Utah and we spent his whole trip painting my place! ugh who knew it would take so long! Thankfully I had him here to help me or it would have never gotten done! My walls would look like splatter paint had he not been here…What a trooper to fly down, paint and assemble furniture all weekend, and fly home to go straight back to work and school. I sure love him.

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