
The best 2 weeks yet!

A little homemade Fro Yo (thanks to a fun wedding gift!)

Carson’s fav…Homemade mac n cheese

Its been 2 weeks of marriage bliss…

but what can I say? I’m a newlywed! I’d say that we have done well in our little place in Viva Las Vegas! We are basically settled and leave for our cruise a week from today…Were a little excited!


  • Rachael
    May 24, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    Hey Jessie I didn't realize you have a blog!? Hope it's alright I'm going to be checking this to keep up now 🙂
    I was sad I was in California the day of your wedding so I wasn't able to make it 🙁 The few pictures I've seen though from the big day are amazing! You are gorgeous! I can't wait to see more!
    Looks like things are going great! Congrats again to both you and Carson!

  • Jessie Ann
    May 25, 2011 at 6:00 pm

    Rach! I didnt realize you had a blog as well! Ill def be checking in on yours too! Thanks for the congrats rach and you are going to be a mom soon right?? you are going to be a darling mom! congrats to you and your cute hubby!

  • Lexie
    May 27, 2011 at 3:33 am

    Got your sweet card today, you guys look so cute and so happy. I'm thrilled that everything went so well and that you had the perfect day. I wish I could have been there with ya, and hope I get to meet Carson soon. Love you!

  • Mykel
    June 8, 2011 at 8:01 pm

    How exciting! Married life is the best 🙂 Have fun on your cruise!

  • Brian, Savannah, Demi, & Brooklynn
    June 9, 2011 at 3:57 am

    Stop it right now, your wedding pictures are incredible!!!!!!!!! Or are those your bridals. Post more as soon as you get them. You are beautiful.


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