

Hey all!

So I found this Template over at Janetha’s blog and I’m excited to give it a try! Check out Janetha here!

A is for age: welp I just turned 21! Woot Woot for being legal:)

B is for breakfast today: Gluten Free toast with a sid of greek yogurt.  threw in some flax and protein powder and called it a morning:) I kinda was wishing I was a a breakfast cafe, eating a delicious veggie omelet but maybe another day.

C is for currently craving: I am always craving good pizza.  Not like Pizza Hut Pizza but real Napoli type pizza with a TON of veggies on top.  thin crust. fresh herbs. yes please.

D is for dinner tonight: not sure what dinner will be tonight.  maybe I’ll splurge and get some pizza from my all time fav, Settebello. Or just the usual, huge green salad filled with tons of veggies!

E is for favorite type of exercise: I love me some good fitness! Lately i’m loving HIIT workouts and of course Zuzana’a ZWOW’s! Also love love love hot power yoga.  Sweaty=love.

F is for an irrational fear: Getting snatched! I have the greatest fear of getting kidnapped and no one ever finding me.  I wonder if I’d be clever enough to find my way out of that situation….shudder to think of that! eek.

G is for gross food: hmmmm…There is too many to name.  I’m a vegetarian but before that happened I could not handle any meat when attached to the bone! Gave me the heeby geebies (is that how you spell that?)

H is for hometown: Alpine, Utah. Gorgeous.

I is for something important: this guy is pretty important to me.  He’s my main squeeze and best friend since may of last year:)

J is for current favorite jam: I love me some good tunes.  Currently loving Turn Me On by David Guetta and I Can’t Make You Love Me by Bon Iver.  I’m a sucker for good tunes and my credit card hates my itunes account…

K is for kids: i don’t have any human kids but Mr Remmie is our little baby!

I think I can count these cute babies as my “kids”.  Not technically mine but my sisters have pretty cute kids.

L is for current location: Viva Las Vegas. Technically Henderson:) love the warm weather!

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Food! Groceries! Why is that where all my money goes??  if i could do all my shopping at whole foods my life would be complete but i could never afford anything else!

N is for something you need: I need to live in the same state as Carson.  And I’d like a stylist:) some one to buy me cute clothes and tell me how to wear them:)

O is for occupation: I’m a dancer:) Currently dancing for Donny & Marie Osmond on the strip.  People look at me with huge eyes when I tell them I’m a dancer on the strip.  Heheh not that type of dancer friends.

P is for pet peeve: fake people. just be real with me and we are cool:)

Q is for a quote:

R is for random fact about you: Random fact about me, well I’m a Mormon. I’m one of 6 kids. Someday I want to go to culinary school. That’s 3 facts! Lucky you!

S is for favorite healthy snack: my favorite snack lately is veggies and hummus! or a good piece of toast.  love toast.

T is for favorite treat: if i could eat cadbury eggs daily and not feel it, i would! i love Cadbury’s, jelly beans, and chocolate covered cinnamon bears. (all are not healthy but oh so good haha)

U is for something that makes you unique: I’m covered in freckles.  Olived skinned and my feet are size 8 which is kinda unique for my 5″3 frame:)

V is for favorite vegetable: I just love veggies and I think it’d be hard to pinpoint

W is for today’s workout: lets see. today I am starting to switch up my workouts and giving Jamie Eason’s Live Fit training a go! I’m excited to switch it up and see if that does the trick for my body! We will see how it goes with my little gym at my apartment complex.  not as fancy as a huge gym but hopefully it will do.

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Oh boy.  I’ve had a bunch of x-rays but the most exciting was the set of MRI’s I had for my hips! never did figure out what was wrong….maybe someday:)

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Walking up on a Sunday morning with Carson and Remmie! I had to send Carson and remmie  home to utah (so sad) so that wasn’t exactly my highlight of the day but we enjoyed the sunny Vegas morning.

Z is for your time zone: Pacific time zone:) I think…is that terrible I’m not positive on that?

anyway. there it is. if you want to join the fun, head over to Janetha’s blog and get going! Also, be sure to check out my guest post over at PinkGiggles.com! I was honored to help Megan out!


Jessie Ann



  • janetha @ meals & moves
    March 12, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    Getting snatched! My favorite answer on all these has been F by far. Also, I will be goin’ to Henderson in September for a fam vacay at the lake. Can’t wait for some wakeboarding! Oh, and freckle faces unite 🙂

    • jessie.james
      March 15, 2012 at 12:56 am

      I seriously am so afraid of that! It would never happen but I would pee my pants on the spot if it did!!!

  • janetha @ meals & moves
    March 12, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    OH and my middle name is Ann, too 🙂

    • jessie.james
      March 15, 2012 at 12:55 am

      Yes for a fellow Ann! seems kinda common haha:)


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