
chill pill july

hey hey hey!

i hope you all celebrated safely yesterday!  if you haven’t seen my 700 instagram posts, my hometown is in flames! i grew up at the base of the mountain where the quail fire began to burn two days ago.  my parents currently live in a different home, same area, but to see my mountain (not technically mine but i love it so much) go up in flames was heart breaking! i cannot express enough gratitude to the men and women fighting to put it out! i know that god answered some prayers because thankfully we have some rain today to help put it out.  we have some family friends that live right where the fire starter and it is a miracle none of their houses burned.

i snagged this from a friend on instagram.  isn’t that a miracle? they were definitely being watched over from above.

i am so heart broken to see the beautiful mountain black and covered in smoke, but so grateful no one was hurt and that homes were saved.

on that note, i’ve got a little time on my hands so get ready for the ultimate update post.  that sounded weird.  ultimate sounds like a workout dvd.  anyway in between watching babies, working, and teaching i visited good ol’ dr dave again to check up on my hormones.  i also secretly wanted some answers to why i can’t loose any weight.

doesn’t everyone want a magic formula to fix that?

it doesn’t exist.  in pill form anyway.  i have preached and preached about healthy eating and fitness (usually does the trick) but when that wasn’t helping me, i was a little bugged.  ok more like a lot.

we discovered that i have some liver deficiencies (easy fix) still working on my hormones, but he simply told me to take a minute to relax and really look at myself.  basically, he sounded like my caring best friend who tells me that i am beautiful and don’t need to focus on weight.  not what i wanted to hear! so i walked out of there very frustrated, herbs in hand, and a craving for cafe rio.  weird i know.  but i was upset and the rio salad was my only fix.  thank goodness i am back in utah and the rio is near by:) mm mm good.

so like a good girl, i have been taking all my herbs and homeopathics and i am actually quite suprised at how good i feel! dr dave put me on VITEX for my hormone levels (i was super tired and emotional) and i have noticed a difference! hoorah.  poor carson has been ubber patient dealing with my emotions and he has noticed a positive effect as well.  i can’t say that i’ve miraculously lost 10 lbs and ready for a bikini, but i can say that i feel all around better about myself.  for now at least:) i know it will take time for all of the issues to be resolved but dr dave told me i need to take a chill pill and deal with my insecurities before i try to push myself any harder. so with that said…


  1. relax
  2. run outside. clear my head:) and get training for tough mudder!
  3. yoga
  4. eat a variety of good foods.  not just the same salad for lunch and dinner. (my body isnt responding well to large portions of dark greens…) awesome
  5. try not to stress or feel guilt when missing a workout, or eating out.
  6. “me” time
  7. focus more on carson and his needs rather than mine
  8. find remmie a little puppy friend!
  9. conquer the bod pod test (machine that accurately tests body fat under water! i haven’t gone because i am so afraid to see the results!)
  10. enjoy the sun.  vitamin d always does me a lot of good

do you ever need to tell your self to relax? goodness! i sure do. i get so caught up in comparing myself and wishing what i could be rather than appreciating what i am.  so there are my goals, what are yours??




  • Amanda @RunToTheFinish
    July 5, 2012 at 11:27 pm

    i totally understand! i am going to the homeopathic dr tomorrow to see if we’ve made any progress on my hormones…and yes I do keep thinking to myself maybe if we can correct it I’ll lose these couple pounds that are driving me batty

    good luck to you! we’ll figure it out!!

  • Charissa
    July 6, 2012 at 2:40 am

    Wow, that IS a miracle! God was watching out for them!

  • ali
    July 6, 2012 at 2:23 pm

    WOW, how lucky your friends were. That fire was/is crazy! Glad everyoe is safe!
    Love the July Chill Pill Goals! They are good ones!
    Dr. Dave….is he the Dr. Dave from Dave’s Nutrition? If so, I’ve gone to him before! Awesome! Have a great Friday!

    • jessie.james
      July 6, 2012 at 4:43 pm

      yes! it is dr dave from daves natural health! crazy small world! he is doing wonders for me!


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