
spoonful of keeping up with mrs james


that’s how i am feeling right about now. i have defiantly failed at being an awesome blogger lately and i apoligize to those that read! i promise i am still alive and kicking! with that said, thank goodness for a few of these easy, quick recipes to keep me going! you have to check out Janetha’s mexican dump soup! soooo tasty and soooo easy as well as take a look at this tasty African Soup!  i am in love with soup during the winter because leftovers warm up so tasty for a cold evening! that was kinda off track but i had to share of few of my staples lately!

so there have been some exciting things a happenin’ over at the james household so heres a little update thanks to the trusty iphone:)

blizzard….let’s hope it stays for christmas because i really am dreaming of a white one!

another one of the girls got hitched! she is the most stunning bride and her wedding day was beautiful!

the ladies! we are sad to be missing a few but so grateful to be growing up all together!

i seriously want to tear my brains out sometimes because of all the company craziness! who knew designing so many costumes and coordinating so many rehearsals could be stressful? but it will all be worth it when my kids look AMAZING on stage in january! i may just be super biased but my company kids are GOOD! i just want a slice of all that talent please!

crossfit squatting! crossfit is still going strong and i’m looking into the whole30 for january for any of you that want to join me!

so life is seriously so crazy but so great at the same time.  i’m often exhausted from trying to keep up with all that is going on with work, working out, homelife, and my own personal time.  i am so looking forward to the holidays and time to slow down with my little family! so i’m off to get going on this crazy day…


jessie ann

1 Comment

  • Ashley
    December 20, 2012 at 5:44 pm

    You are ever lovely and so inspiring! Thanks for the recipes for yummy soup 🙂 Hugs to you and Merry Christmas!


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