
spoonful of success: the whole30 recap

happy february to everyone! january flew by so fast i can’t believe its already february.  i am hoping the next 6 monts fly by just as fast! but first things first.  lets talk about the whole30!

i am so proud of myself! i seem to always fail at these type of challenges but i was pretty determined to make this happen.  if you remember i checked in a few weeks ago and things have gone well since.  who knows what kind of oil my food was cooked in on the cruise, so it may not be a perfect whole30 but i’m counting it:)  i am also pretty excited because the doc gave me the go ahead on eggs, beef, and tomatoes! hooray!! i finally can have a little sweet potatoe chili i have been craving since i started!

i did take pre whole30 photos and post whole30 photos but i would like to keep those off the internet so you will just have to trust me when i tell you i feel better than ever.  i don’t believe in owning a scale because it messes with my head so i didnt weigh myself before or after the challenge but i will say that i felt more confident on my cruise in a swimsuit than i have in years. now maybe that is as all mental seeing it was only 30 days but i am willing to keep it up if it is helping me feel better about myself.  i’m still on a long road to health with the many issues i am working on solving with the doctor, but i feel like i am on the right path.  carson asked me if i was going to keep this up and miss out on special occasions like birthdays and holidays and i had to remind myself that that is why it’s called the whole30, not the whole365.  i can’t set expectations that i will eat perfectly for the rest of my life or i will go crazy, but this challenge has made me realize that i have the strength and determination to CHOOSE better foods for a better me. i most certainly will eat a delicious piece of cake on my birthday but i can feel good about that because i have been treating my body right.

when i started reading It Starts With Food i learned a lot about how food affects us (sometimes i never know if it’s effects or affects so i’m sorry in advance for my lack of knowledge in that area:) not only physically but mentally too.  i think this challenge helped me get a hold of myself mentally and get back on track! for those of you who are curious about paleo or the whole30 take some time and look into it.  it’s not for everyone and sometimes you just have to experiment a little with what works best for you. i find it a little crazy that just a year ago i was eating raw and vegan and now i’ve tried my best to adjust to what i think my body needs right now.  unfortunately i am still not able to work out due to my cortisone levels but i’m hoping that will be back on track soon too!

sorry to bother you with all the boring talk so thanks for reading!

happy wednesday!





  • Miz
    February 6, 2013 at 11:55 am

    FINALLY getting how food impacted me mentally changed my life…

    • jessie.james
      February 6, 2013 at 10:10 pm

      so true! ive got a long ways to go but things are looking better

  • Amanda @ Run Principessa
    February 6, 2013 at 8:52 pm

    I am super interested in reading this. Props to you for sticking to it! That’s absolutely awesome! I’ve been mentally insane lately, whether it’s from the weather or something else I don’t know. I’m trying to veggie-up my diet to keep me happy!

  • purelymichelle
    February 6, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    awesome girl!! Lori and I are on a healing journey too!! I am still trying to figure everything out but due feel I am closer to find what works for me!


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