
spoonful of truth…confessions of a diet queen

  1. let’s get serious.  diets suck. end of story
  2. diets are the best when you look in the mirror and see a hint of ab showing.  it’ll be the day when i see 6!
  3. i would like to talk with the person that invented cadbury eggs.  we need to discuss why its ruining all my healthy plans
  4. day 1 of diet all guns are blazing (is that even the right phrase?)
  5. day 15 and those cadburys are gently calling my name wishing to be eaten
  6. poor carson is eating veggie stew, and picking out all the veggies. sorry dear
  7. mood swings happen when major diets begin
  8. sorry dear
  9. candy is seriously always screaming at me but the day you conquer it…THE BEST
  10. luckily i’m allergic to ice cream or that one may be tough to conquer
  11. when the diet just becomes healthy eating.  it’s a good day
  12. the diet word eventually slips out and it becomes normal that’s an even better day
  13. SHOUT HOORAH cuz the worst is over
  14. even though eating healthy is a little easier, i still love me some sweet potato fries!
  15. the feeling of accomplishment after taking good care of your self and struggling through it…TOTALLY WORTH IT

don’t give up:)


Jessie Ann


  • Miz
    February 21, 2013 at 12:07 pm


  • Linz @ Itz Linz
    February 21, 2013 at 12:21 pm

    haha i love you! i’m happy with one (or two abs showing, too!) six?? in my dreams!! maybe someday though lol

    • jessie.james
      February 21, 2013 at 2:23 pm

      Me too! A girl can dream of that six pack ha!

  • Maureen
    February 21, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    I really hope sweet potato fries can be a part of a healthy lifestyle because I love them! 😉
    Am I the only person who hates those Cadbury eggs? Yuck. Hubby will buy a ton because he knows they are the one thing I can have sitting on the counter & won’t be tempted by!

    • jessie.james
      February 21, 2013 at 2:22 pm

      You may be the only one in the world because I’m so tempted by them! Ha! Lucky you!!

    • Divya @ Eat Teach Blog
      February 21, 2013 at 3:23 pm

      Agree with you and Maureen!! I can’t give up sweet potato fries! 🙂


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