
mondays weight loss tip…the beauty of water

image via pinterest

Water works wonders and is the number 1 tip for being healthy and loosing weight! Water Water Water! Drink a glass before each meal because often time we mistake hunger for thirst.  Why not sip on some empty calories rather than binging on a bag of candy?  There is a ton of science behind water which we all know but it simply makes our bodies feel great!  It helps us cleanse  and keeps us flowing:) Make a goal of how many bottles of water you will drink, and once you do, add a dollar to that jar!   Its a simple tip yet a life changing one:) So drink up!


Jessie Ann


  • GiGi Eats Celebrities
    March 4, 2013 at 6:26 pm

    I totally DONT drink enough water!!! 🙁 I love carbonated water and would drink that until the cows come home but… It makes me bloated and sometimes not feel so good so I don’t drink it much during the day unless I know I don’t have to go anywhere – which means: I don’t drink enough water! LOL!

    • jessie.james
      March 4, 2013 at 8:42 pm

      hahah water is tough for me to remember too! I have to have the water bottle sitting next to me at all times!!

  • Melissa @ Treats With a Twist
    March 4, 2013 at 7:53 pm

    You’re so right! If you’re feeling hungry, sip water first. And I’ve also heard that you should drink your water before and after meals, but not during, because then your food is concentrated and your body can absorb all of the nutrients from your food, instead of diluting each bite with a river of water, preventing your body from absorbing the nutrients. AND (sorry, a lot of thoughts flying through my head on this one), a friend of mine studied some healthy cleansing habits and found out that if you drink a full glass of water first thing in the morning, then your coffee/breakfast/what-have-you, your body clears toxins first and hydrates before starting a new day with new food. Water fixes bloating and makes you glow! Love your reminder 🙂


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