Blog / Choreography / Dance

Type Casted Cut

Another peek behind the curtain into the dance world. I hope you aren’t sick of “dance world” posts yet or else you are in the wrong corner of the internet 🙂 Someone asked me a funny question last night and it sparked my interest to write.  They said “so now that you have an agent, should you have booked a job by now?” I don’t think this person was asking to be pushy or rude just an honest question.  I explained what I am about to explain to all of you.


Thankfully there is a lot of opportunity in LA for dancers right now and a lot of different paths to take. I decided if I am going to be in LA I should explore as many avenues as I can.  Exploring the commercial side is a bit tricker than I am used to.  It comes with a lot more than just dancing. Professional headshots, bodyshots, and dance photos like the one above (terrified to post it so don’t judge) and stepping into auditions and stepping out 5 minutes later.  Type casting is the largest part of the commercial world. Height, weight, eye color, hair color, skin color, body type etc… I usually walk into an audition and walk out minutes later after not being the right type.  Kind of a bummer but it is what it is and no time wasted.

Its a lot. It’s a lot for me to handle most of the time and I’m learning how to deal with it. What I want the outside world to know is that it’s simple.  50 auditions and you may only book two. It takes time and lots of work to get what you want out here.  I guess you could say I am learning patience and self confidence.  Its not easy to walk in and walk right out but every time it gets a little easier.  Getting cut is no reflection on how good of a person I am or sometimes even my talent! There isn’t a ton I can change about myself but there is always room to grow and improve.  Especially in class! I feel so lucky to be here because this is the place to do just that.  This is the place to change and grow regardless of how many jobs I may or may not book.



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