Blog / Europe / Lifestyle

The James Gang Abroad [Christmas in Barcelona Video]

Christmas is magical in Europe and I didn’t want the Christmas season to pass by without documenting it! I’ll be the first to admit that I DO NOT like being in front of a camera but I want to look back in 20 years and cherish these memories! We are constantly stumbling upon gorgeous markets, lights, shops, and installations! The Spanish sure know how to enjoy the holidays! I hope you like it!



1 Comment

  • Fira De Sant llucia Market | Jessie Ann James
    December 12, 2016 at 10:07 pm

    […] There are soooo many photos in this post because I simply couldn’t choose! We got a new camera and I couldn’t contain myself with the beauty of this market! It’s a tradition here in Barcelona and it’s been around for 230 years! Europe contains so much rich history simply because of it’s old age. I love it. It’s magical. I even made a video and if you want to watch it you can see it here! […]


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