Europe / Travel

Day Trips From Barcelona You Need To Take

oatmeal cookies (4)We have really fallen in love with Spain!  While my friend from home was in town, we took full advantage and rented a car to explore! The cost of a rental car was so cheap and we didn’t spend more than 2 hours in the car finding these gorgeous locations! If a car is not an option, you can always take the train! We found that parking was a little harder in Barcelona but super easy once we got up the coast!

 First up…





I blogged a little bit about Girona with a few more photos here. Such a cute, quant town full of hidden surprises! Tasty food, Game of Thrones Sites, and a gorgeous Cathedral!





While visiting Girona we got a recommendation to drive up the coast a little further and see Besalu!  I’m so glad we did because it is a small Medieval town that has been really well preserved. I felt like I was walking onto a movie set and I was happy to see that it wasn’t busy with tourists. Go for the Medieval feeling and enjoy some tapas in the large main square!






 Cadaques is a place you could probably spend an entire week but if you are on a budget like us, we settled for a day trip! Its BEAUTIFUL! The entire Costa Brava has some beautiful little coastal towns and its a must see while in Spain! We sat on the beach and enjoyed some tapas while soaking in the sun. Cadaques full of hilly cobblestone streets and adorable local shops! If you go in the summer take a swim suit and dip your toes in the ocean!

What’s your favorite spot in Spain? Comment below if you check any of these places out! I’d love to hear your thoughts!



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