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Learning How To Be Awesome [Inspo Link Up]


Happy Thursday online friends! I truly hope this finds you well and that are as stoked as I am for FRIDAY! It’s just something about the weekend that makes me swoon. If you want to jump to the straight to the goodies, head to the bottom of the post for the link ups!

I recently shared on my instagram that I started listening to a podcast called Awesome With Alison  and she is somebody I really look up to in the online world. We’ve never met but I really like her style, sexy dance moves, and killer confidence. Did I mention she runs her own business, throws epic parties, and is a mom too?! I’m sending her a virtual high five as I type this because she is kick a$! (gotta keep it G on the blog).

So why am I blogging about this cool chick today?

Two reasons. Reason number one is that I really want to learn how to be awesome. Sounds easy right? But how easy is it when you really stop to think about it? Do we speak to ourselves as kindly as we would our best friends? Or are we constantly self critical, judgemental, and all around self confidence killers? Is that helping us become more awesome? I don’t think so….

But I AM CULPRIT NUMBER ONE! Just today I stood in front of a mirror and tore my body apart. #guilty.  So where does that leave us? Well it leaves us with a choice. Continue on that destructive path or pick a new one.  Maybe this new path will surprise you. Kind of like your very own yellow brick road leading you to awesomeness. I’m on the search for a new brain, one that speaks kindly of me, some courage to find myself, and a bigger heart to love all. Wanna join me?

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That leads me to reason number two why I am blogging about Alison. I wanna make change like she is. I wanna be a positive force to be reckoned with on the internet.

I LOVE following her because she is REAL and aware of her imprint on the world. This recent need of mine stems from the desire to live in integrity with my self ALWAYS. One of my favorite quotes ( I wish I knew who it was by) says it best:

 I like messy people; people who don’t fit in a box or stay between the lines, but who’s integrity is greater than any rule book and who’s loyalty is stronger than blood”.

I wanna be that person. I wanna be messy, and creative, and true. So now what? …Well…

I just wrote it down for the entire internet to see so best I get to work then I think. You can all keep me accountable and jump on board if you’re ready for some soul searching. I’ve linked up some pretty awesome tools that I’ll be using to achieve this new “me” below!

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MAGIC LESSON WITH ELIZABETH GILBERT (a few episodes are marked explicit so keep that in mind)


Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert (can you tell i’m in love with her?)

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Rising Strong by Brene Brown 


HeadSpace (favorite guided meditation app)

SuperSoul Sessions  (Inspiring talks hosted by Oprah)

How I lost my Identity but Found my Worth (TEDxUSU by Jeannie Woller)

I hope this helps you feel a little bit better about yourself today! Don’t forget to Shine On and let the world see who you really are without all the filters and carefully curated lives. Can we encourage each other to shine a bit brighter always?




  • Claira Wilson
    June 2, 2017 at 2:30 am

    Jessie, I just binge read your blog while putting off a work deadline 🙂 and your adventures are so SO fun to follow! I also loved this post and love brene brown! I discovered her in january and have read/watched everything of hers and most things on her book list. She actually has courses and I really want to take one because they probably teach how to be awesome! Anyways, lots of love from the US and keep writing 🙂

    • jessie.james
      June 2, 2017 at 7:52 am

      Hi!!!! How long has it been?! Years?? Thanks for stopping by to read and leave a little hello! I can’t wait to read more of her work too!!! XOX

  • Jessica
    June 3, 2017 at 2:02 pm

    I adore your blog! I love this piece so much and definitely needed it today. 🙂

    • jessie.james
      June 3, 2017 at 2:06 pm

      Hey thanks Jessica! always a good reminder to love ourselves right?! xoxo

  • Hannah @ The Northern Writes
    June 3, 2017 at 2:39 pm

    oooo I love headspace!!! brilliant that!!! I’ll have to check out Alison’s podcast as well, it sounds intriguing.

    Hannah @ The Northern Writes | http://www.thenorthernwrites.co.uk

  • Rochelle
    June 5, 2017 at 2:34 pm

    I really love this x

  • Zineb
    June 7, 2017 at 1:42 pm

    I loved this post. Loyalty and Integrity are key, always.

    Love always,


    • jessie.james
      June 7, 2017 at 1:53 pm

      Thanks for stopping by! integrity speaks so loudly for me! on my way to gaining more of it! xoxo

  • Kristyn
    June 7, 2017 at 2:13 pm

    I’ve been looking at Headspace. I think I need to get on it!

    • jessie.james
      June 8, 2017 at 6:13 pm

      It’s tough at first but I am really loving using it! xoxo

  • Louann Kristy
    June 7, 2017 at 4:20 pm

    I’ve been trying to find some nice podcasts these days ! Excited to listen to these 🙂


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