
Dads Big Five-Oh!

We celebrated my Dads 50th b day on monday! (His real birthdate is the 8th of June but he was out of town) so we thought we would throw together a little suprise! I think my dad was a little bit sad that no one did anything special on his b day so he wasnt expecting anything at all! Bryton and i started by sneaking into his office at 7 a.m. (with the help of one of dads sneaky colleges) and decorating it with black balloons and Over The Hill decor:) Every two hours he received a cute note with the lyrics of his favorite songs tied into his favorite treats! I even snuck a nummy lunch into his office without him knowing! 6 o’clock rolled around and bryton and i dressed in all black and kidnapped him from the office…it didnt really go as planned due to the doors being locked but we finally got him outta there! after a very long detour we got my dad back to the house and to his suprise, we had all of his fam and friends there! I think he shed a few tears and bryton and I had the time of our lives being so sneaky! I’d say it was quite the success!

1 Comment

  • Jen and Lance
    July 2, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    Jessie! So good to see you yesterday! You are just adorable. Love you! And your family is beautiful. Congrats to your Dad for turning 50. And…. nice job getting a boy friend! Aiyaiyai!


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