
Monday’s Cardio kicks my butt!

Hey Luvs!

So today I rolled out of bed early to get Carson to work on time and decided to hit the gym while I was out.  I don’t know about you fit people out there, but Monday cardio kicks my butt and since I posted about good intentions on Mondays I decided to be positive:) I want to set a better habit about being excited for Monday and treat it with as much as excitement as I do Fridays.  The goal for this week is to appreciate everyday, and the journey each day takes. With that in mind, I waltzed into the gym and did the Insanity Elliptical Workout! I was feeling strong….but at about min 7 I was ready to be done! I don’t know if i just had a super lazy weekend but I was a hot sweaty mess afterwards! One of the best/hardest cardio workouts I have had in awhile friends….if your feeling real good, go give this one a try!

Sorry for the late night post! I’m just sitting down to eat and catch up on the blog world:)

It has been a busy day! Carson and I decided to re decorate, sell my dresser, and re organize the entire closet! I’ve been to target and back at least twice today and were planning a walmart run for some bins later:) Feels good to have everything in its right place.  I even purchased some large canvas in hope I get little crafty for some neat wall decor:) I’ll post those pics once I have them done. I’m slightly addicted to Pinterest and I keep seeing these DIY decor ideas so lets hope i’m as crafty as I think:)

So here is the before…

As you can see…we took everything off the walls and we are starting from scratch:) I’m kinda excited! Feels like a whole new place and I promise to post pics once we are all done!

How was your monday?

Do you find it tough to exercise on the first day of the week?

p.s. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway! Only a couple days left to win some Vegan, Raw Sun Warrior Protein Powder!


Jessie Ann

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