
Friday Favs

Hey friends! It’s that time again! Friday favs according to the iphone!

Favorite Meal of the week!

Vegan GF protein pancake!

This week was filled with some awesome Cardio Blasts! I think the Insanity Cardio was my fav this week…

Favorite Obsession of the week…

Image via Pinterest

Image via Pinterest

Image via Pinterest

Too bad it isn’t my birthday or Christmas anytime soon! A girl can dream…

I’m also loving the latest Zappos purchse:)

My favorite treat of the week would have to be the Vegan Oat Almond Cookie Dough Bites.

I’d also love to try this or even these!

Last but certainly not least….

I love Kombucha!


That’s it for the Friday favs!

What are your favorites from the week?

What is your favorite shopping obsession lately?


Jessie Ann





  • Jenny Redford
    September 13, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    those cookie bites look delicious!

    • jessie.james
      September 13, 2011 at 9:29 pm

      Hey! They were so delicious! Thank you!


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