
My Man Is One Year Older…

Hey luvs!

Today is a special day all dedicated to my sweet hubby who is one year older today! I reflected back on where we were a year ago and it seems crazy how much life has changed since then.  Of course all changes have been good and I wouldn’t trade the journey for anything! We have a fun night of celebrating ahead of us so here are some of my favorite moments with Carson to hold you over for the night.

Carson’s team at Zappos “gifted” his entire desk!

Proud wife when he ran the Las Vegas Ragnar Relay

Christmas in NYC

Puerto Vallarta!

Halloween at Thriller

This has to be one of my favorite photos of us.  This was the moment that he first saw my wedding dress on the day of our Bridal photo shoot.  I was so nervous at this moment but his reaction was priceless.  I will never forget how special that time of our lives was.  (That was a little bit sappy, I know, but it is his special day so he deserves it!)

I love birthday’s and everything about them.  Gives us a chance to reflect on the moments we have lived, and the moments to come.  Age is beauty, despite what the media says, and should be celebrated! So tonight we are going to celebrate and enjoy a fun evening together!

Happy Thursday everyone!


Jessie Ann


  • Pure2raw twins
    November 11, 2011 at 2:47 am

    Happy Birthday!!
    love birthdays, they are always so much fun 🙂

  • Angela
    November 11, 2011 at 9:15 pm

    I hope Carson had a great Birthday!! 🙂 You are such a cute wifey, Jessie 🙂


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