
Stepping Up to the Plate…A Better Blog

Hello bloggers!

First I would just like to say that my google reader is so full and that I apologize I’m behind on all of my favorite blogs. Second, I am amazed at all the hard work that goes into my favorite blogs and the dedication to producing a good product.  My reader is filled with so many awesome woman sharing fitness, health, and food advice that I’m looking forward to dedicating my Sunday catching up!  All of these blogs got me thinking about my own blog, and what I want to achieve with it.  I marvel at so many recipe filled blogs and the amazing food that is posted! I wish I could cook like Angela at Oh She Glows or master the gluten free side of life like the Pure2Raw Twins or even have the cutest family/best way to cook for a family like Mama Pea or take awesome photos like Ashley at the Edible Perspective. I find great inspiration at LizAshlee.com and awesome fitness advice from Courtney and  Katie.

It can be a little overwhelming sometimes with so many incredible blogs but with that said, I have decided to set a clear focus for my blog.  My blog has been all over the place with topics and I will continue to blog about my life and what interests me, but I would like to focus more on fitness, healthy habits, and happiness.  I absolutely love cooking and I enjoy finding a great recipe but I do not have the gift of creating one, or the quality camera as well as the talent of photographing food.  Don’t get me wrong, you will see photos of my favorite foods on the blog, just not the “recipe book type”.

I am going to try my best to post more about quality fitness and the benefits of working out.  I also want to stress the importance of healthy eating habits vs “diets” as well as finding happiness/balance in your healthy lifestyle.  I hope to be a positive voice (I’m sure I’ll have my not so positive moments as well) and offer a healthy point of view from a dancers perspective and the pressure that business brings.  This has been on my mind lately and I’m not exactly sure why, but I question if the entertainment business is where I should be.  As a dancer, we are expected to keep our bodies in great condition as well as maintain a figure fit for the stage.  Many are blessed with a strong sense of confidence and this pressure does not effect them as deeply, but for others, it can be rough.  For me, I feel like I land in the middle of those two planes.  I am a strong, independent woman, but I constantly have “body” on my mind.  My goal over the next few months is to change those thought patterns and be a voice for many in the same spot.  I do not suffer with a life threatening disorder and I marvel at the many posts I’ve read regarding recovery and their courage, but I hope to help myself as well as others in similar, less serious situations.  Focusing too much on numbers, inches, how a costume does or doesn’t fit, and hating pictures, is no way to enjoy life.  I’d rather focus on my family, friends, and what I love to do!

I’m excited for a new start and a clear focus for my readers. Thanks for your patience with such a “wordy” post and I welcome any suggestions you may have!

Off to teach a little BalletBlast! If you are in Vegas, come check it out @ The Dance Zone in Henderson! More info at balletblast.com


Jessie Ann



  • katie Carso
    November 14, 2011 at 5:57 pm

    Awwww girl! Have missed you! You are so sweet! I admire so many bloggers too! You know what though, we all are amazing, because we are all UNIQUE! Your blog can be all over the place, its ok , as long as its what YOU want! I like to blog about things I love and to share with other people, but I never want to be a copy, I just always want to be me and for people to see who I am, a genuine girl with a love for life and passion for a healthy lifestyle !

    Love you and I think your blog is great, because it does represent you, and thats what matters!


    • jessie.james
      November 15, 2011 at 5:11 am

      Thank you for your sweet words. You are always so inspiring and positive I’m grateful for your outlook on life! You are so real which is refreshing to read! The blog community is so great I’m excited to hopefully be a small part of it!!! xoxo

  • Gluten Free Ideas For the Holidays! |
    November 15, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    […] ← Stepping Up to the Plate…A Better Blog […]

  • pure2raw twins
    November 16, 2011 at 3:31 am

    you are so sweet! HUGS!!!
    we love your blog and love seeing what you do. what ever you write about we will read and love 🙂


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