
Opening Night Success!

Hey friends!

We successfully made it through our opening night of The Donny & Marie Christmas here in Detroit and it was a LONG day.  First, let me tell you that I have not seen the light of day of Detroit yet, which may be a good thing since it’s a little sketchy downtown, but we were in rehearsal yesterday from 9 am till show time! We left the theatre at about 10:15 pm.

I look a little haggard but we did it! We only had one mishap during the show…..actually that’s a lie.  I almost blinded Ashley, face planted wearing feathers, and almost didn’t make it on stage with my full costume! Besides those hilarious moments, it went really well! I was so proud of Donny & Marie who have been stressed out opening a brand new show.  They are such professionals and the audience couldn’t see an ounce of nerves!

I feel honored to be performing at the Fox Theatre! So many incredible performers have graced that stage and the dressing room walls are covered with signatures of past entertainers. I even spotted Frank Sinatra’s name! Check the theatre out! (photos thanks to the iphone so not the best quality)

So ornate and filled with so much history! The theatre seats 5000 people and last night we sold a little over 3000! Not bad for opening night! We’ve got shows all week and then off to Chicago for the rest of the show run!

I need to get my workout on for the day so have a wonderful wednesday!


Jessie Ann

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