
I’m in Love…I May Never Leave!

Good Aftternoon friends!

It’s Wednesday and that means Saturday is getting closer!  What’s on Saturday you ask?  I get to see my cute hubby! He is flying into Chicago for the rest of our tour! I cannot wait to show him around and convince him to move here since I am in love with this city!  It’s on my bucket list to live in a big city for at least a year.  We both grew up in Utah, loved living in Vegas, and someday we hope to experience a big city before we start a family.   Who knows? Maybe I won’t ever leave Chicago:)

Hotel Beds are not for comfort.  Prepare the heat pads and Tigers Balm for a sore body.

It’s really cold…Good excuse to buy more clothes I think…

People are really nice in Chicago.  Another reason I should live here.

Trader Joes and Whole Foods in walking distance? Yes please!

Hot Smokin Legs from walking EVERYWHERE.  I’ll take that:)

Feeling a little guilty with all the food splurges.  Hopefully walking + shows will pay off.

Twizzlers in the hotel room are dangerous.

The hotel gym is the size of my bathroom.  Maybe it’s to help you make friends while working out? I don’t know…

What is deep dish?  Why does everyone tell me I need it? My stomach would kill me after a piece of that goodness.

Ballet class.  How long has it been since the last class? I’m embarrassed to say and humbled to say the least.

Ballet class at Hubbard Street…Dream come true.

Sunshine in Chicago feels good.

Sunshine was deceiving once the wind picked up.

Chicago transit is labeled with colors. I like that. Today I took the blue and the red line!



Jessie Ann

1 Comment

  • LizAshlee
    December 9, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    Great photos…I have never been to Chicago..thanks for sharing! Happy Friday!


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