
Spoonful of updates! #strikesugar and crossfit!

happy wednesday!

i hope you had a fabulous start to the week!

i just wanted to check in with my #strikesugar challenge! i mostly wanted to focus on eliminating sweets. i do really well with sodas and sugary drinks but i got into the bad habit of grabbing a box of hot tamales or some licorice at the grocery store ever so often. i also grabbed the occasional diet coke on days when i was up at 5 am! (i know diet coke will kill me someday, hence the #strikesugar challenge), so i am proud to say that i have been pretty good since we started! woot! i’ll be honest tho, i am so tempted by carson’s goodies! thankfully i stocked the fridge with fruit (cherries are my fav lately) so i can grab it when i am craving a treat! how is the strike going for you?!

but, let me tell you, those pumpkin spice kisses that are in the cupbourd are mighy tempting! have you tried them yet? if i wasn’t on the #sugarstrike i would buy you all a bag and send them to you! soooo good!

image via google

so i thought that pic was kinda cute!! he’s got it all right don’t you think? now, do you mind if i brag for a minute? i hope not because i am pretty proud of myself! crossfit has been so much fun lately and i am loving it more every time! i am proud to say i back squatted 150 lbs! that’s probably nothing compared to many of you but i was super excited! i bragged to carson and he even told me i was pretty legit!! i also loved yesterdays workout! it was in honor of september 11th and we completed a hero WOD that was pretty killer! lots of turkish get ups, kettle bell swings, and overhead squats! tough stuff! i think a 5K is in store today, which i am not super excited about, but its good training for tough mudder right?!

so tell me…

what is your proudest workout moment?

what treat is hard for you to avoid?!



  • Christina
    September 12, 2012 at 2:54 pm

    So, I bought a big thing of powder stevia, and have been using that in my baking instead of sugar!! Now I definitely don’t feel as guilty when I eat a cookie (but no more than one per day!). I bake a lot, so avoiding those treats is a challenge, but I’m doing pretty well with it!! It’s harder when it’s something my Oma (grandma) makes, because those things are FULL of sugar and fat. But, she’s old, I won’t have her around much longer, so I figure that’s an acceptable exception to the #strikesugarchallenge.

    Also, Saturday morning I did two insanely intense hours of Zumba, and felt amazing after! That was great 🙂

    • jessie.james
      September 13, 2012 at 6:08 pm

      yum! I haven’t been able to find powdered stevia! where did you find it! I may have to look online!

  • Courtney @ Journey of a Dreamer
    September 12, 2012 at 2:56 pm

    Way to squat it up!! That’s right around where my PR is… and it’s tough! Way to #GetAfterIt!

  • Danielle @ itsaharleyyylife
    September 13, 2012 at 1:40 am

    that is awesome! I just started CrossFit last week and I am loving it! Can’t wait until I get nice and strong and can do that much! (: WTG!

  • […] body is craving whole foods rather than the crappy stuff.  lets just say i wasn’t exactly #strikingsugar this week:) life happens:) i had beets, carrots, and apples in my fridge so i decided to juice them […]


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