
spoonful of tuesday

happy tuesday everyone!

i think that i kind of hate tuesdays as much as i hate mondays.  it feels like a weird in between day…its not the first of the week or the middle, just stuck in between.  so cheers to stuck in between i guess:)

with that said…i need a solid kick in the butt.  i have not been to crossfit since thursday and clean eating has been sparse.  yikes! so i was up at 5 this morning ready for a butt kicking and sheesh was it crazy! but hopefully i wont fall asleep teaching later!

our first competition is coming up and i am a little stressed out about it because i am not sure if we are ready so the next two weeks will be a little crazy over here! so please forgive me if my posts are all over the place because i feel like my brain is a little all over my place. so here are 10 things for my tuesday

1. i am not sure why but a hint of lime tortilla chips are soo good with quac.  be warned.

2. fall tv shows are taking over my evenings.  revenge, once upon a time, grimm, modern family, up all night… goodness thank you hulu

3, high buns are becoming the usual hair-do…

4. nasty cough thanks to the after affects of the tough mudder (recap here!) 

5.  can someone teach me how to make soup? i keep seeing the greatest instagram pics of soup.  i am really in need of soup.

6.  when did it become the end of october? halloween is around the corner and i have no solid ideas for costumes.  any ideas?

7. i am not so much a fan of taylor swift these days…i am pretty sure that she is dating a Kennedy and therefore should not be using terrible grammer…”we are never getting back together.  like ever”.  really? “like ever”? kills me everytime. i sure hope the Kennedy’s know what they are in for! 

8. i really miss dancing so i decided to be a more full out with my dancers last night.

9. mistake number 1000…my body is not 16 and i really should be more careful being “full out”.

10.  provo is in need of a hot yoga studio.  where are my provo yogi’s?

i am hoping my stuck in the middle day continues to go well so have a happy tuesday!




  • Kristen Fox
    October 23, 2012 at 2:42 pm

    They just opened a Bikram studio at Thanksgiving Point!! I’m going to do the 20 classes for $20! Do it with me 🙂 Hot Hot HOT!

  • Kelly @ Laughter, Strength, and Food
    October 23, 2012 at 3:14 pm

    I agree that Tuesday is a weird day! It’s still the beginning of the week but not Monday…just a weird position! Hope your Tuesday is great! 🙂

  • Purely Michelle
    October 24, 2012 at 1:29 am

    love the high bun!
    my hair is up in a bun just about everyday, I am lazy

  • Danielle @ Itsaharleyyylife
    October 24, 2012 at 2:53 am

    i just started using hulu. My fiance has been watching it for awhile now but I don’t know why I never checked it out until this weekend. Now i’m watching like every show I miss during the week! (: Perfect!

  • Laura @ LauraLivesLife
    October 25, 2012 at 1:15 am

    I agree -Tuesday is way harder than Monday for me! It’s like the need for sleep catches up with me n Tuesday!


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