
Mother of 30

Being in utah husband-less I can’t be grateful enough for my Center Stage company kids! They have become my family and I spend everyday with them.  Not only do I spend everyday with them, but I get to spend the time helping them grow as artists and little human beings! How does the saying go? They have taught me more than I have taught them? Something like that I think.  But it’s so true! I am crazy insecure (aren’t we all?) about my work and I feel like I have changed and grown so much as a choreographer.  Finding my voice as in a world with so much talent is difficult but I am slowly getting there! The summer is going to fly by and although I am grateful to get to MN faster, I am also really dreading leaving my kids behind.  I have two companies, the Teens and the Seniors, amounting to about 30 kids and I seriously cant stand leaving them behind! Gosh! They are really quite awesome:)  If I am being totally honest, I haven’t be able to sleep very well lately due to stress about all we need to get done before our big showcase in June and dealing with the stress of Carson being 1300 miles away, I sometimes forget to enjoy these moments because soon they will be gone:( Lots to do and I am going to enjoy every second of it!

who doesn’t love a good selfie in a crowded dressing room?!

p.s. (totally off topic) I currently am craving these adorable high waisted shorts for the pool!  I would die to have this comfy sweater paired with boyfriend jeans. And these flats? Adorable!


Jessie Ann

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