Blog / Diet & Fitness

getting ready for summer

Well hello friends! It has been a few days since I have posted! I hope that Mothers Day was enjoyable for all the mothers and future mothers out there.

Image Via Tone It Up

It is FINALLY  warming up around here! It makes me so happy to get a little sun on my skin and see my freckles back out:) Witha that being said I am not so sure I am swim suit ready yet! Last week was a little indulgent so here is to a much better one! I am not sure if any of you have checked out the darling Karena and Katrina lately from toneitup.com but they have an awesome program right now called the bikini series and guess what?! Its free! You heard me right. A complete workout program for the week and guide to nutriton ALL FOR FREE! I should’ve jumped on this weeks ago but I just discovered it! So I am sharing it all with you because all the workouts can be done at a gym or right outside in this beautiful weather! Here are a few of my favs just to give you and idea..


All workouts and images above are from Tone It Up

Its great! Obviously it’s kicking my butt but that is exactly what I need! I still have to be careful on how much I exert myself (still have to take it a little easy on docs orders so no long runs for me) So I do my best with what I am allowed to do but it’s been a lot of fun and it feels great to sweat:) So jump on board! sign up here

Happy shredding!


Jessie Ann

1 Comment

  • sweating in pink |
    May 25, 2013 at 5:02 pm

    […] I am currently in love with the color pink and I don’t know if that is due to the spring and sunshine or just the girl inside me:) Isn’t it so much easier to work out when you feel cute? I think so! I’ve got a whole week of no plans so working out is on my list! We have a pretty nifty gym at our apt complex and a good sweat is in need.  So get yourself some cute work out gear and jump on board with me to get fit this summer!  […]


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