

I am in Minnesota! wahoo! I can’t tell you how great it is to be spending time with Carson in our own apartment and my new home! The next time I take a flight it will be my last! The next two months are going to go by quickly with all that is planned at the studio and then i’ll be an official resident of Minnesota:) Carson and I have a big list of things to do and it is BEAUTIFUL here! Can’t wait to hang out at the lake! Here’s the update according to my iphone…

1. reunited  2. Lago Tacos. 3. food coma. 4. Adeles. 5. Chambray & Wedges. 6. Custard. 7. Memorial BBQ. 8. Afternoon walks. 9. Baggy sweaters.


Jessie Ann




  • Meagan
    May 30, 2013 at 11:45 pm

    Awe, I bet the next two months will FLY by! It must be hard to be away, but keeping busy helps, right? My husband has deployed off and on over the past 5 years and it was tough, but it becomes your new normal for a bit.

    • jessie.james
      May 31, 2013 at 3:55 pm

      I can’t even imagine dealing with that for 5 years! You are a rock!!!


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