
Dance Party Friday

Remember my last post? I was feeling like I was in a slump until I got the cutest text from a utah friend! She works a lot with design and blogs and gave me some awesome ideas! So today I am excited to start Dance Party Friday! Every friday I am going to share what inspires me as dancer, teacher, and choreographer. Music, videos, pictures, and anything in between.  I often hear what you do for work shouldn’t define you, but I belive in this case it does.  I have always been a dancer it makes me truly happy.  So dance is a huge part of my life and a huge part of me.  I am excited to share that with you!

It’s choreogrpahy season and I am constantly searching for new music.  I spend more money on music than I do clothes (thankfully carson is understanding) and some times I luck out, other times I can’t find anything.  We all have fallen in love with Lorde and her new album was just released!

I was watching TV the other night and a random commercial came on with the coolest song! I shazzamed (spelling?) it thanks to the trusty iphone and discoverd woodkid. Prety cool stuff if you ask me:)

I am dying over this video…you will too…check em out…


and this…wishing I could some how recreate this on stage…


Hopefully you will be inspired by all this as much as I am! I love dance and the way it touches people! Happy friday!!!!

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