
It was a Happy Holiday all Around…


it was just us this year and to be honest it was kinda boring.  (no i’m not prego, we have stockings for our pups) there is something so magical to be surrounded by little ones who still believe. yes christmas isn’t all about santa clause or gift giving but it does make christmas morning a little bit more magical.



we kept up the christmas eve pj tradition and made it memorable with onesies! carson was very jealous that i had monkeys on my feet:) its difficult to find mens onesies with monkeys on the feet.  i told him he could borrow mine anytime:) it was quite with just carson, the pups and i but we made the best of it:) lots of christmas movies, tasty treats, and facetime:)



the thacker family has a long standing tradition of hoot-a-nanny pancakes (german pancakes) on christmas morning.  it was my first try and they didn’t disappoint! as you can see i was pretty excited about how high off the pan they were! my mom has them down to a science and with practice hopefully i’ll get there!

IMG_3193it was a small, lazy christmas for us.  (i got strep throat) so it was quiet and full of throat lozenges. in a way it was kinda nice to be on our own, not stressing to make it to everyones parties, and starting our own traditions. we are blessed with modern technology to connect with family that is far away and the see some of the magic we missed.  i will say we are settling into our own routine nicely and making things work out here.  my little family is all i need:)

it was a happy holiday all around.


jessie ann

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