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Juice With Jessie Ann

IMG_1934Happy monday friends! Spring is officially here and I’ve started a new weekly organic basket pickup! Every saturday we pick up our basket from Abundant Harvest  without a clue of what veggies/fruits we will be receiving.  Whatever is in season and the most fresh, we get! The basket was filled with a ton of delicious produce and a lot of lemons! I decided not to let anything go to waste and make some fresh juice! Here are a few of my favorite combinations:

Carrot + Apple + Lemon (Pictured above)

Spinach + Apple + Carrot + Lemon

Pineapple + Cucumber


Green Apple+Spinach+Kale+Lemon

Blood Orange+Tangerine +Grapefruit

Juice is something I love and is way overpriced here in LA! I can always tell when I need a fresh veggie juice.  Yesterday I was lethargic and guessed I was low on iron, I’m anemic, so I juiced some spinach I had in the fridge.  Just enough for a shot because it was nasty, but the health benefit was immediate.  I felt my body telling me that was just what I needed and I had more energy and clarity for the rest of the day! I would rather heal my body naturally than pop a pill any day! What’s your favorite juice recipe?




  • Chantel
    March 31, 2015 at 4:17 am

    Do you have a juicer?? What kind! Help! Also are they pricey ?? : (

    • jessie.james
      April 1, 2015 at 4:14 am

      yes I do! Mine wasn’t that bad! We ordered it on amazon! The brand is a Waring Pro!


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