
Whirlwind of a Holiday Season

I’m not even sure where to start this blog post…
Too many crazy/incredible things have happened…
Each event deserves an entire post to itself, but who has time for that?
Maybe i’ll just start where I left off…
I had been in New York City for about two and half weeks and I was expecting Carson to come join me sunday Dec 19 at midnight! I went to church that morning with the crew and they didn’t stop teasing me about finally meeting Carson. They knew he was flying in that night so it was the topic of most of our subway ride. Donny even wanted to give Carson a personal interview to make sure he was a good guy:) We had to do a show that afternoon and I planned on wasting time in the city till I had to meet Carson. Little did I know that Carson was a sneaky little thing that had flown into the city a day earlier than I had expected and surprised me outside my stage door after my sunday matinee!
Too bad I was sweaty and covered in stage makeup the first time he saw me…
oh well…
anyway, this little sneaky thing grabbed my hand and lead me straight into the heart of time square. I was giddy and giggly because my boyfriend had flown out early to surprise me! It kinda felt like a chick flick! We stopped walking and I stopped yacking about the city and everything I’d done when I realized he was shaking and really squeezing my hand.
then it kinda clicked…
Before I knew it, he was on one knee, in the middle of times square, with a ring in his hand…
I blurted a yes and some darling lady caught this picture of us!
I’m engaged! eeeekkkk that was the most exciting, adrenaline filled moment of life so far! Love is such an crazy thing? I never thought It would find me so young but what a perfect chance to spend my adventures with someone I love?He’s quite the catch and I’m going to hold on real tight to this one! Here are some of our favorites moments!…

Marveled at WTC
Statue Of Liberty in the Palm of his hand
Too much Times Square
new kicks
best local spots…MACBAR, S’mac, Criff Dogs!
Secret Phone booth restaurants
$50 fish the size of my arm
Peanut Butter snickers
Handled It fro yo
blizzards and slushy streets
the subway… always a treat
Path train
Vitamin Water Zero and snapples…always
unsuccessful onesies
South Street Sea Port
and So many amazing memories!
~Jessie Ann


  • MandK
    January 6, 2011 at 5:21 am

    Ohhh Jessie… I got a little teary eyed. You are living the dream girlfriend! (actually sister;) Can't wait to hear about some wedding plans!!

  • Jen and Lance
    January 7, 2011 at 1:46 am

    So SO So SO SO SO excited for you!!!!! Your life really is like a movie Jess! I love hearing the whole story and love even more that some random lady got a picture of you two in action! Miss you girl. Hope things are good…… actually, I know they are 🙂

  • in morse code
    January 7, 2011 at 3:24 am

    Weeeee!!!!! engaged! NYC!!! could life get any better???? love you!

  • Becky Arnell
    January 7, 2011 at 8:05 am

    Hello you cute thing!! This is absolutely adorable, and I am SO happy for you! Ah! Congrats again!

  • Brian, Savannah, Demi, and Brooklynn
    January 10, 2011 at 4:40 pm

    Yay!!!!!!!! I am so so so excited for you. You two are just too cute, I love it. Congratulations, and let me know when the big day is.

  • Brian, Savannah, Demi, and Brooklynn
    January 10, 2011 at 4:43 pm

    PS: how great is that picture the lady got. How lucky!!!

  • Lexie
    January 14, 2011 at 9:18 pm

    Congratulations! It was so fun to read the awesome story in your own words. We are thrilled for you and can't wait to meet Carson. I LOVE that some lady took a picture of you, that will be a treasure forever! Love you!


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