Diet & Fitness

New Kicks!


Since Carson started his internship at Zappos we get a discount! I decided to take advantage of this and finally order myself some decent exercise/running shoes.  I haven’t had a good pair in forever! So…da da da dah!

They are great! I tried them out today for my walk and my feet felt so secure.  I’m sure they will be great for bodyrock as well (thats for later today so Ill let you know how that killer workout is!)  I think that may be one of the reasons I am not a fan of running.  I had terrible shoes and im sure that affected my joints and feet.  Ill be taking them with me to Canada and hopefully I can get some good walks/runs in!

One other thing I wanted to touch on is the issue of what to eat while on vacation.  I unfortunately will not have a fridge in my hotel room so I may be buying a styrofoam cooler for my room.  I’m packing my blender and some of my Chia Seeds, flax, and raw Lara Bars but I’m hoping Canada can offer some good salads here and there! Ill keep you posted:)

What workout shoes have you found work? How do you stay healthy while traveling?


Jessie Ann


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