
So many reasons to smile

Hey luvs!

So as I promised, Ive posted some pics from my parents visit! I can’t tell you how much their support means to me that they would fly all the way out to Toronto (with another fabulous couple) to come see me! I had such a good time with them and it reminded me why its so important to value those who love you! The couple they came with, Kurtis and Laura, are their next door neighbors and I swear Laura is my mothers long lost sister.  The two ladies combined are such a hoot! On Thursday night, they saw the show and acted like teenagers when Donny hit the stage.  I’m so glad they loved the show!

Mom & Dad

aren’t they the cutest? I hope Carson and I will be this in love someday! We decided to visit a local museum and I was pleasantly suprised at how interesting it was!

Royal Ontario Museum

Crazy fish…Crazy father

The first floor was filled with ancient Chinese artifacts and so many TinyBuddhas! I loved it!  Of course my funny dad had to pose with the fish…which I have never seen or heard of before!

Lunch at Herbivore

mm mm good

I dragged my non Vegan parents to Urban Herbivore and they loved it:) Never surprised when we find healthy food is actually to die for! Sometimes they think I’m a little obsessed with good food! but who isn’t?

Niagara Falls

Yoga in Niagara

soaked from the mist!

isnt this great?


It was such a great, busy couple of days with them full of laughs, food, and lots of photos! Thankful to have such incredible parents that set a good example for what I want in life. Miss them already!

sorry folks for the journal type post.  More workout posts tomorrow!


Jessie Ann


  • Bryton
    July 17, 2011 at 2:43 pm

    oh those crazy kids. I heard that they even went to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter….wish I could have been there! love you!

    • jessie.james
      July 17, 2011 at 3:04 pm

      I know! They were like kids the whole trip and kurtis and Laura where so much fun! Looking forward to seeing you in august!

  • Pure2raw Twins
    July 17, 2011 at 10:37 pm

    Aww your parents are so cute!! Now we really need to get to Canada! We have so many blog friends in that area.!! Niagara Falls great site to see!! I have been there once with my fiance Gary, though Michelle has not been there so a site she still needs to see!

    • jessie.james
      July 18, 2011 at 2:29 pm

      Niagara was stunning! You definatly get out there with Michelle if you can! I had a great trip but glad to be home!


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