Blog / Recipes

Sunday Love and a Delcious Dinner

Hey Friends,

Just some pics from our weekend.  Carson was a professinal snow cone maker at the Pioneer Day parade on saturday:)

Check this out…

Today was filled with some good eats and I thought I would share!

For breakfast I used a recipe idea from Katie over at HealthyDivaEats.  I filled a small bowl with some Buckwheat and a little water.  Warmed it up a little and then added some Pumpkin puree, small spoonful of almond butter, and cinnamon!

I picked up a Cooking Light magazine and saw some good looking recipes for a grilled veggie sandwhich.  I decided I needed to give it a try!

I simply Grilled some eggplant and red and green peppers with a little olive oil on our little grill.  I made some Socca Bread and melted a little soy cheese on it.

1/2 C garbonzo bean flour
1/2 C water
pinch of garlic and onion powder

I then topped it with my grilled veggies, a little avocado and basicall inhaled it! It tasted like a resturant style sandwhich:)

I was still craving something else and decided I wanted to try a recipe I found on Pure2Raw.  Their recipe called for okra but I just had some zucchinni on hand so I decided to give that a try.

Zucchinni Fries
2 Zucchinni’s sliced into thin strips (however thick you want your fries)
Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp brown rice flour
3/4 tsp Cumin
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
large zip lock bag

In a bowl, coat the zuchinni in the coconut oil. (this makes the spice mix stick better). Pour the zuchinni strips in to the ziplock bag as well as the spice mixture. Then just shake it up till they are all coated!

You could bake these on a cookies sheet at 400 degrees if youd like but I just used a skillet to crispy them up.

yummy! I love a guilt free meal! Thanks Pure2Raw! Im still looking for an awesome spread for my “sandwhiches” that is vegan and low fat.  If anyone has any suggestions let me know! I’d love to find a good pesto spread recipe!

I think ill give this sandwhich another shot and grill up some steak for my hubby! Ill let yoi


  • kristen
    July 26, 2011 at 3:57 am

    Jessie…I am loving your blog! Dallin took me to a little hummus place(Yummus Hummus) around the corner from his house in Brooklyn…TO DIE FOR! I never really liked hummus until then, now I am obsessed and eat it literally everyday. It makes the best spread and would be perfect for your yummy looking sandwich. You HAVE TO, have to, have to make it yourself, it’s WAY better than store bought. I will e-mail you the recipe, it is so easy it’s foolish!
    Ha ha, I feel like I just blogged on your blog. I am just passionate about hummus. 🙂

    • jessie.james
      July 26, 2011 at 4:30 am

      Kristen! I just got your email and I am so excited to try that! Love it! haven’t quite convinced carson to join me on this new eating quest haha! maybe someday! I would love more recipes so send them my way! looking forward to seeing you guys in august!

  • Pure2raw Twins
    July 26, 2011 at 12:16 pm

    YUM so glad you like our version of veggie fries!!! I still need to make a good pesto recipe because my fiance has been requested it for some time haha

    • jessie.james
      July 26, 2011 at 3:09 pm

      They were so tasty! I agree about that pesto! I made a normal version last night for my hubby but it was no where near healthy haha!

  • Utah day 1 |
    August 2, 2011 at 3:35 am

    […] fingers and sweet potato fries for dinner so I decided to make a little meal of my own! Remember my zucchinni fries? Well…I bought what I thought was a sweet potatoe ( it was a little white but tasted like a […]


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