
A hemp protien type of morning

Hey friends!

This morning I rolled out bed, literally, and felt like a breakfast smoothie.  I opened my moms cupboard and found this gem!

This is good stuff! 11 grams of protien and 14 grams of fiber! It’s also a raw whole protien which i’m always on the look out for.  Unfortunatly the taste isnt that great so I had to sweeten it up in my smoothie this morning.

Hemp Protien Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened Almond Milk
Handful of Kale
Handful of Spinach
1 banana
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 scoop of Hemp Protien Powder
dash of Stevia Powder

Throw it all in a blender and enjoy! Make sure you put in the liquids first, then your softest items, and then the frozen fruit. It tasted really good actually! My little brother even had a sip and enjoyed it!

I grabbed lunch on the go as you can see…

Raw veggie spring rolls!

I grabbed it from good earth! It was made by Raw Melissa and hit the spot! It was filled with greens, carrots, cilantro and sprouts!

I finished up my day at Center Stage for the final day of the 3 day intensive! It was another great day and I’m looking forward to getting started at yet another studio tomorrow! I’ll be a busy bee the next three days but thats how I like it!

Looking forward to some BalletBlast tonight! Always look forward to a good sweat sesh!


Jessie Ann



  • What really is in a protien bar… |
    August 12, 2011 at 10:36 pm

    […] for my new SunWarrior protien powder to come in the mail which is raw and vegan.  I also love my Hemp pro fiber .  I have not used a brown rice protien yet, but I have also heard wonderful things about […]

  • The best weekend in Utah |
    August 13, 2011 at 10:13 pm

    […] this morning and treated Carson to his favorite French Toast at Kneaders Bakery while I gulped A Hemp Smoothie. We needed our energy for the big day ahead at Alpine […]

  • The Green Smoothie Challenge begins! |
    August 22, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    […] 2 cups raw spinach 1 banana Half of a cucumber (diced) 1 green pear (diced) 1 large spoonful of Hemp green pro fiber dash of stevia powder dash of […]

  • Lunch Smoothie and fear |
    August 24, 2011 at 2:27 am

    […] almond milk 2 cups of kale 5 whole frozen strawberries 1/2-1 cup frozen blueberries 2 spoonfuls of Hemp Pro Fiber dash of stevia […]


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