

Hey friends,

Let me begin by apologizing for being absent the past two days. I know I let some readers down when I fail to post everyday.  The past two days have been filled with rehearsals for this weekends show, teaching, and family events that I have not had time to post till now (it’s 12:42 am) ahh nobody’s perfect so i’ll try my best to do some fantastic posts in the future to make up for the abcense.  Does anybody else feel so guilty when the blog comes up short? ug anyhow… Here is a quick catch up for all you night owls…

  • Is anyone else preparing for the Natioal Green Smoothie Challenge?? If not go check out the rawdivas and get started! It’s not to late!


Look at all those good ingrediants! and…It tasted like a mango lemon ish smoothie:) mmm mm good!

  • I attented an Incredible dance show last night featuring Justin Giles Soul Escape.  I had the opprotunity to perform with them last year so it was so great to see them! we made it a family event…

  • Bridal shower preperations…a post on the crazy fun to come…

It was a night full of laughs, tears and good friends:)

Ive got to get up early to start another full day of rehearsal so night friends!


Jessie ann



  • Pure2raw twins
    August 19, 2011 at 1:25 am

    love those cookies!! too cute

  • jessie.james
    August 19, 2011 at 1:31 am

    We werent the greatest cookie decorators but we did what we can:) turned out to be such a fun night:)


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