
Quick Cardio post for the day!

Hi friends!

Hope you enjoyed my super late night post last night:) I seem to be getting really good at those! This morning I did make time to hit the gym!!  I got this workout from Courtney at sweettoothsweetlife. I was dying but I loved every second!

30 Minute Elliptical Insanity

*Set the cross ramp to 10 for entire workout*

Minutes Resistance
5 6
5 7
2 8
1 11
2 7
1 12
2 6
1 13
2 5
1 14
2 4
1 15
2 3
1 16
2 2

Go try it! I was a mess after!

Got to run to more rehearsal but I’ll be sure to post later about my thoughts on “Growing Up” so stay posted!

What are your fitness goals for the weekend?


Jessie Ann

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