
Another bites the dust!

Mady Memmott is getting married! She is number 2 of our group of 9 ( I was number 1 in may) and we are so excited! The girls and I put together a little sun flowered themed shower and had the funniest night.  Here’s a little peak at our fun!

Isn’t she beautiful! She was glowing the whole night! After gifts we played some fun/hilarious games and enjoyed just being together.  With Haylee and I living out of state, its so nice to have these times together…and we’ll all be reunited for her wedding in September! I love weddings! It made me miss mine just a bit and I felt a little old amongst all my single friends! It was a little weird but I do love being married! (I wish I could’ve made all those treats raw and vegan…didn’t want to experiment on my friends in case they didn’t go well haha..maybe someday)


Jessie Ann


  • Seth Howard
    August 22, 2011 at 9:42 pm

    I’m lovin’ your blogs, keep ’em a’ comin’ Jessie!

  • Becky
    August 23, 2011 at 9:33 pm

    OOOOOOOOOHHHH looks like fun too bad it was on a day I couldn’t come!!!!! 🙁

    • jessie.james
      August 24, 2011 at 3:57 pm

      becky we really missed you!!! it was not the same without you!


      Jessie Ann

  • The August Wrap up… |
    September 1, 2011 at 12:17 am

    […] Here she is at my wedding…she’s next! remember her bridal shower? […]

  • Thursday Thoughts |
    September 8, 2011 at 11:28 pm

    […] has flown by due to the holiday on Monday and I’m really looking forward to my good friend Mady’s wedding on Saturday!  It will be an early start since we are driving and need to leave Vegas by 4 a.m. but […]


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