
Friday’s Favs!

Hey friends:)

It’s that time again! Time for Friday favs:)

Double Chocolate Cookie Dough Bites (Original recipe from liz.ashlee)

serves 1 or 2 if your willing to share…:)

1/2 banana
2 T. sweet potato (cooked)
1/2 t. cinnamon
2 stevia scoops
1 t. vanilla
1/2 T. almond butter (or sub fav nut butter)
2 T. almond meal*
2 T. vanilla protein powder (I used SunWarrior Vanilla)
1/2 T. cocoa powder
1/2 T. chocolate chips (optional) (I used dark chocolate)
dash of sea salt (optional)

In a bowl, mash banana and sweet potato together then add cinnamon, stevia,vanilla, & nut butter and mix together.  Add almond meal, protein powder, cocoa powder chocolate chips, sea salt & combine
Drop spoonfuls of dough on a plate and place in freezer for approx. 5-10 mins to chill
Remove from freezer and add almond topping if you dare! :)

*If you don’t have almond meal, place a large handful of raw almonds (about 1 cup) in a food processor and blend it till you get a flour like texture:)

Just what I needed for my Friday treat:)

DIY Crafts

I’ve been working on some canvas’s to hang in our apartment (I’ll post those when they are done) Here are a few that really got me hooked!

Photo Love

Been sorting through photos to hang and put this together:) (sappy I know…)


It’s been a good week of fitness for me! Filled with Cardio and Yoga (idk why I was so motivated this week….hah that’s rare:)

I love my yoga podcast’s at home!

Recipe to try!

This looks ah-maz-ing! and the perfect end of summer dish! I got this recipe from Edible Perspective

Sweet Tater Veggie Burger (GF and Vegan)

(head over to edibleperspective to check out the fabulous photo’s of this dish! they look amazing!)

  • 15oz black beans, drained + rinsed
  • 3c cubed sweet tater, cooked + skin on [~1.5lbs]
  • 1/2c frozen or fresh corn
  • 2/3c finely chopped onion [1/2 medium onion]
  • 2 large garlic cloves, finely minced
  • 1/2c cooked quinoa
  • 6T rolled oats, partially ground
  • 2T sunflower seeds
  • 1/2t salt
  • black pepper
  • 1t cumin
  • 1t oregano
  • 1/4t coriander
  • 1t chili powder
  • 1/4t cayenne [optional]
  • 1T olive oil
  1. Preheat your oven to 375* once you finish cooking the quinoa + potato.
  2. Mash half of the beans in a bowl until paste-like.
  3. Add in the rest of the beans and give a very light stir/mash to combine.
  4. In a large bowl, mash the sweet tater.  Each cube should be mashed, but you don’t want it creamy.
  5. Stir in the salt, pepper, oregano, coriander, chili powder, cayenne [if using] and olive oil, until combined.
  6. Mix in the onion, garlic, corn, black beans, quinoa, sunflower seeds, and ground oats, until just combined.
  7. Taste, and adjust seasonings to your liking.
  8. Form into balls, between your hands and flatten into 1/2”-3/4” thick patties.  This should make 8 medium/large patties.
  9. Place on a pan lined with parchment paper [or lightly greased pan] and bake on each side for 15min, flipping once, half-way through.
  10. Remove from oven + serve!

*If you want to refrigerate or freeze them, let fully cool on a cooling rack.  Place in a sealed container for the fridge, or wrap in saran, then foil, then in a bag for the freezer.  If reheating a frozen burger, let it thaw completely.  Re-heat in a greased pan, over medium heat for ~3-5min per side, until hot throughout.

*To make the ground oats – Pulse your blender on + off, until you have the consistency about half way to flour.

*Instead of ground oats, feel free to sub – millet flour, oat flour, quinoa flour, whole wheat flour, etc.

*To pan cook – Heat a pan to medium and lightly grease.  Cook on each side for 5-8min, flip + cook another 5-8min until golden brown.

*For the grill – Bake burgers for 15min on one side, flip burgers once and bake another 10min.  While baking, preheat your grill slightly above medium [~350-375*]  Grease the grates and cook burgers for ~3min per side.

That’s it luvs! Tonight is date night with Carson and we are going to see Stacey and Kelli in Viva Elvis!  I’ve seen it once and loved it so much I decided Carson needed to see it!! Hooray for date night:)

What are your friday favs?

Any friday night plans?


Jessie Ann


  • Kristen
    September 2, 2011 at 11:52 pm

    Jessie…All I can say is that you are a machine! Nice Dandayamana Dhanurasana (Standing bow pose)! j/k about using the real words for the poses, wish I knew them. 🙂

    • jessie.james
      September 3, 2011 at 8:56 pm

      hahaha I wish i knew the correct name too! thats about the only pose i have mastered haha im a mess at anything else!


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