
What I wish I could make…

Hey luvs!

Just thought I’d share some recipes I’ve been drooling over…and dying to make!

I attempted this recipe that I found over at Pure2Raw.  A new, simple vegetable pizza made with a gluten free and vegan crust.  The crust is still a work in progress but here it is:)

Topped with Daiya vegan cheese, zucchini, spinach, tomato, and avocado

I was craving a treat after lunch today so I came up with this little gem…

Oat Almond Cookie Dough Bites

1/2 banana (Mashed)
6 Dates
1 tbl Almond butter
1/2 Raw almond flour (put raw almonds into a blender or food processor.  blend till a flour like texture)
1/4 ground flax
1/4 GF oats
1 scoop vanilla Sun Warrior protein powder
1 tsp vanilla
handful of dark chocolate chips

Combine dates, mashed banana, vanilla, and almond butter into a food processor.  Blend till almost smooth. Combine flour, oats, flax, and protein powder in a separate bowl.  Mix together.  Stir into date banana mixture.  Mix till a cookie dough like texture and add chocolate chips if desired.  spoon onto plate and place into fridge to set for about 8-10 min. Enjoy!

I love a guilt free treat because I can never just eat one

Now here are some I’ve found that I cannot wait to try!

For a tasty dinner idea I found Vegan Tortilla Soup that looks divine or for a good end of summer meal the Sweet Tater Summer Burger!

Of course you have to have some sides with those tasty main courses. Check out this Heirloom Tomato Salad or this Avocado and Sprouts Salad!

We all know I’m obsessed with deseret so here are the latest I need to try! These protein truffles look amazing and what about these Chocolate Cupcakes with Mint-Avo frosting!

What are your favorite end of summer recipes?!


Jessie Ann



  • LizAshlee
    September 5, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    I agree, I want to try all of those too!!!

    Fav summer recipe…mmm..all of them..I love good healthy food! Zucchini boats that we made recently were outstanding!

    I love cookie dough balls..perfect treat!

    • jessie.james
      September 6, 2011 at 1:43 am

      MMM zucchini boats sound delish! Ill have to look those up and give those a try:)

  • Pure2raw twins
    September 6, 2011 at 12:57 am

    YUM! pizza looks great, we have not made that crust since then, forgot what it was like, haha just might have to make it

    cough dough bites look great!

    • jessie.james
      September 6, 2011 at 1:44 am

      To be honest..my pizza crust was kinda a mess haha but it tasted good! I dont have a dehydrator so I’ve got to perfect the baking time:) thanks for the recipe!


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