
Labor day food love and some other happenings:)

Hey friends!

I hope you have all had a terrific labor day! I was a little sad to see some rain, as i wanted to swim, but the cooler air was a nice relief from the heat! Carson had the day off as well so I decided to hit the gym early with this insane workout and spend the rest with him:)

I had the most DELISH breakfast this morning thanks to Mama Pea.  Carson even had a bite and agreed they were tasty!  I finally conquered the…

Vegan Protein Pancake

  • 1 1/2 scoops Sun Warrior Vanilla Rice protein (can use about a 30 g scoop of whatever protein powder you like)
  • 1/4 c. old fashioned oats (I used GF bobs mill)
  • 1/2 of a small banana
  • 1/2 t. baking powder
  • 1/2 t. cinnamon
  • 1-2 T. non-dairy milk ( I used Almond milk)
  • 1 packet of stevia
  • few drops of vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender.  Scoop onto a heated skillet sprayed with cooking spray and cook just like a regular pancake:)

Top with your fav toppings and devour!

I topped mine with some frozen blueberries and a drizzle of Agave.

After our late breakfast we headed off to a liquidatoin furniture sale down the street and boy did we luck out! we finally found a great coffee table and a nice TV stand! Our place is finally coming together and I can’t wait to show you guys! (still a couple more things to finish then you better believe there will be a house post!)

Then…it…was…time…for…more…food…( I swear all I do is eat…but I love it)

We had the missionaries over for dinner so we decided to do burgers on the grill.  What a perfect opportunity for me to give the Burger that I was dying over at the edible perspective a try.  I have to agree with Ashley…this is the best veggie burger I have ever tasted.

topped with a little avocado, red pepper and a little ketchup.

I was one happy camper:)

If you’d like the recipe, head over to edible perspective and check it out.

Today I had some thoughts…

Sometimes I find it tough to accommodate my lifestyle as well as Carson’s or really any guest we have, regarding food.  Most nights I will cook two separate meals and spend a good amount of time in the kitchen.  Our groceries are a little different (actually a lot) and sometimes it’s exhausting.  Today I found myself in a rut, feeling tired and not ready to take on dinner.  I was excited to make my veggie burger but then realized I still needed to prepare meat and a dessert for the dinner guests.  I got sassy in the kitchen and stayed that way till our guests arrived.  They turned my night around.  The missionaries, and Carson, really enjoyed their meal and the conversation was wonderful.  I got a little teased about my veggie burger but everyone was super understanding and curious about the way I eat.  As I sat there, observing, I realized that how lucky I am.  I am loved by a wonderful man who lets me be excited about food and supports my large and maybe a little strange grocery list.  Although we don’t eat the same, I am hoping someday we will and that it will be his choice.  I hope I can be as good as Mama Pea and cook my future family awesome, wholesome, veggie filled meals.   I felt bad I had been focusing on myself all afternoon and so I’m learning patience.  Patience as I take on this new lifestyle.  Patience as many don’t understand my lifestyle and patience as I take on this blog as well.  It’s a little easy to feel overwhelmed sometimes! but….I think I can do it:)

Thanks for letting me ramble so much…Hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day!!

Do you ever feel overwhelemed with your lifestyle change?

What are your ways of handling that feeling?

Tell me your favorite Labor Day meal!


Jessie Ann



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