Blog / Diet & Fitness

New Cardio Calorie Shred

Hey friends!

I hope everyone’s thursday is going well.  I can’t believe how quickly this week has flown by and i’m really looking forward to the weekend.

Since I’m in the middle of potty training Remmie I have to make my day schedule around him (or he pee’s everywhere) so with that said, I decided to use the little gym at our complex (quicker than driving to the gym) and try out a new workout I found online. I love love love my usual elliptical interval workouts but this particular one caught my eye.

I found this sweat sesh over at Tone It Up and it looked fun.  The girls over on that site also look super fit so I decided why not? It’s a good idea to switch up the routine once and awhile.

The original workout calls for a treadmill, but since my joints hate running, I adjusted the workout to the Elliptical.  I did a manual program and set the resistance at about 8 for the workout.

Shredmill or the Elliptishred Workout

3 Min Warm up
3 Min Jog
60 sec Sprint (just go as fast as you can)
60 sec Jog
60 sec Sprint (just go as fast as you can)

Take about 30 seconds to grab a sip of water

20 push-ups

3 Min Jog (slower pace)
3 Min Jog
60 sec Sprint (just go as fast as you can)
60 sec Jog
60 sec Sprint (just go as fast as you can)

20 Squat Jumps

3 Min Jog (slower pace)
3 Min Jog
60 sec Sprint (just go as fast as you can)
60 sec Jog
60 sec Sprint (just go as fast as you can)

20 Leg Raises (lay on your back and lift your legs straight up above your hips. Lower till your legs hover and inch off the ground and lift them back to the starting position)

3 Min Jog (slower pace)
3 Min Jog
60 sec Sprint (just go as fast as you can)
60 sec Jog
60 sec Sprint (just go as fast as you can)

Hold plank on your elbows for 60 seconds then rotate to the right side for 60 seconds then to left for 60 seconds.

3 min cool down

*make sure to stretch after completing the workout!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Let me know your thoughts and if you give this one a try!

Have you switched up your workout routine lately?

What workouts are your favorite lately?


Jessie Ann





  • Friday Favs |
    September 16, 2011 at 9:38 pm

    […] ← New Cardio Calorie Shred […]

  • xxxtube
    October 2, 2011 at 6:13 am

    Howdy from Fort Pierce! I like the web site theme. I enjoy black though


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