
Friday Fitness…Hit It Hard

Hello Friends!

Can I get a woot woot for Friday?! Technically my week isn’t over till Saturday since my work week is Tuesday-Saturday but there is still something exciting about Fridays.  And…Carson flies home today! Remmie and I can’t wait to see him:)

Speaking of Remmie…

Look what I bought…

I couldn’t resist it! I’m hoping that he’ll wear it and not just chew on it.  I wanted to find him a costume but Target didn’t have anything I loved, so I’ll keep searching.


Today I felt the need to really hit the gym.  I didn’t workout yesterday due to my body hurting so bad, but today I woke up feeling better.  Sometimes its hard to take rest days due to feeling guilty (old habits die hard) but I know it is so important to listen to what your body needs.  Pushing too hard may result in injury or burn out and I can’t risk that due to the Show.  If I’m injured or tired, the show does not go well and no audience member wants to watch a tired dancer:)  I completed this 35 min Cardio on the Elliptical and day two’s CrossFit WOD (workout of the day).

35 Min Elliptical Resistance Workout

Time Resistance SPM*
00:00-5:00 5 130 Warm up
05:00-7:00 6 140 Backward
07:00-10:00 7 150-160 Forward
10:00-13:00 8 150-160
13:00-15:00 8 150-160 Backward
15:00-18:00 8 160-170 Forward
18:00-20:00 9 160-170
20:00-25:00 8 140-150 No hands
25:00-28:00 8 160-170
28:00-30:00 9 160-170 Sprint
30:00-35:00 5 140-150 Backward/Cool down

I set my cross ramp at 17 for the incline, put on some good tunes, and sweat it out!
*SPM = Strides Per Minute

I’m off to the kitchen to create a new gluten free recipe! Keep your eyes peeled for the recipe on the blog later.

Happy Friday!


Jessie Ann



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