
{Guest Post} Living a Balanced Life

Hey friends!

I have something special for you all today! Bryton Morse is the voice behind In Morse Code and I stalk her blog.  Did I mention she is my older sister?!   She has a darling little baby boy and still finds time for style, fun, and living a healthy, balanced life.

Living a Balanced Life

I am excited to be a guest on Jessie’s blog today and contributing to what I think is a very motivating and inspiring blog.  And being her sister may have something to do with it…

Currently I am a new mommy to an adorable yet active 6 month old, a wife to a working husband, a homemaker to our little cottage, a part-time sign language interpreter, and active member of my church.  Oh and did I mention I could juggle?  But I can only keep this juggling act going if I remember myself and take time for me.  Here is what I have found that helps me keep my life somewhat balanced and not crashing to the ground.


I regularly attend a yoga class or when I can’t leave the house, I do yoga at home.  I feel that yoga helps me breathe, concentrate, focus on myself, and burn off stress from the day.  After a good week of yoga, I notice I sleep better and get to sleep faster.  I also can calm myself down easier by applying the deep breathing and relaxation techniques.  And let’s be honest, any kind of physical activity is good for your health.  To keep my family going, I need to keep myself going and that’s staying active.


A few times a week I work as a Sign Language Interpreter.  I graduated in this field and I love my job as much as I love cupcakes.  And when I became a mom I certainly didn’t sacrifice my love for cupcakes so why sacrifice other passions?  So I continue to work.  This is my “me” time and I seriously look forward to it.  Life can be a 24/7 deal so make sure that some of those hours are for you—out with friends, dates, work, hobbies, etc. just take that break!


I know that I am a lucky girl when I say this, but I have a husband who is willing and able to babysit.  Our situation is one where he can.  Also I have family close who are also so gracious in offering their help and time.  And lastly, and probably the most important, I know that I have the support of God.  I am trying my hardest everyday and when I can’t juggle all those balls, He picks up the slack.  Nice to know that I have support all around me.

Now sometimes life is not perfect and doesn’t go as planned—the baby spit-up on your last pair of yoga pants for example and a clean couch with a remote looks more appealing, but knowing I have all this to fall back on keeps me going.  Life is what you make it, so I try to juggle the right balls so I can sit back at the end of the day and enjoy the show.

Thanks for letting me crash your blog Jess! Come by my blog, in morse code, and say hello.  I’d love to hear from you!






  • Bryton
    October 11, 2011 at 1:45 am

    yes!!! the internet is working again! thanks jess! love ya!

  • Danica
    October 11, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    Love this! I think this was the motivation I need to get back into my yoga routine 🙂

  • Big News! |
    October 27, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    […] night of last years performance with one of my biggest fans! Remember Bryton from her guest […]


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