
Back To The Basics…

Hey friends!

Happy weekend! Can I get a woot woot? Carson flies into Chicago today so I am really excited to see him and give him a big wet one (cheesey, but can you blame me?) It’s also a two show day which is always fun! You would think that a 2 show day would be hard, which don’t get me wrong, it is, but I always feel it the next day! I am dragging the next morning! So sunday’s show may be a little rough but we’ll get through it! Shows have been selling out really well and we’ve had some great reviews so I’m feeling good about the show here in Chi Town!

Image Via Chicago Tribune

One of the reasons I’m in love with this town, is the opportunity I’ve had to take some incredible dance classes at the studio’s that professional companies like River North Chicago and Hubbard Street Dance train at.  Shauna, who danced on ODT with me, moved out here and we’ve been taking Ballet class together.

This one of my many favorite photos of Shauna::) I just love her:)

Obviously, we don’t take the same classes as the company members, but we get to peek in.  I think that is my favorite part.  Peeking in on their rehearsals inspires me so much.  They are BEAUTIFUL and I would die to be apart of something like that someday.  That also means I need to get my butt in gear and continue to take as much class as I can to stay in dancer shape.  I’ve realized over the past few days with class how easy it is to get out of dancer shape! Technique is the first thing to go and I need it back! As humbling as it may be, I need as much class as I can get.  Working in a production show like I am now, doesn’t offer any extra training so it is my responsibility to get in as much as I can!

With that said, it got me thinking a lot about life lately and where I sit in the scheme of things.  I haven’t posted about fitness or health in a couple of days because I felt like a hypocrite.  I was feeling low and my body complex filled my thoughts 24/7.  It was affecting my work and I feared slipping into those costumes each night.  I eat well, workout hard, and yet I was still finding ways to tear myself down.  I am letting a negative force run my thoughts and missing out on many experiences locked behind this fear.  This quote really helped me and I can thank my sweet friend Stacy for pinning it! She is such an inspiration and I really look up to her!

That statement rings so true for me.  I find myself discussing, fretting, and complaining often when I should be kneeling in prayer asking for help.  So with this new inspiration I’ve decided to do my best to workout hard, eat well, and leave those thoughts at the gym.  The issue is to fix my head.  I don’t know exactly how, but hopefully I can figure it out.  Mental battles are tough, but I cannot wait till I win the battle for good!  With that said I’m off to the gym to start the day right!

Happy Saturday!


Jessie Ann



  • Bryton
    December 10, 2011 at 4:53 pm

    Hang in there Jess. You are the strongest person I know. To live in the professional dance world like you do would tear a person up. But you have stayed strong with your values, eating right, working out, and remembering where your talents are actually from. Love and believe in your self. You have done so much already. You can smooth out this mental battle. I love you so much. Miss you everyday.


  • Stacey
    December 10, 2011 at 6:32 pm

    Proud of you girl!! Go have an awesome workout and then let it go and spend the weekend with your cute man!!! What a light you are! xoxoxo

  • Ready, Set, Re-Set… |
    December 19, 2011 at 4:34 pm

    […] remind myself to re-set my thoughts and push myself to be better.  Last week I posted about returning to my knees and I’ve seen a little progress! I found these images on Pinterest this week (I spend way too […]


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