I finally made it safely back to Las Vegas! Luckily, Carson has Monday off from school so he decided to join me for a little weekend in our Vegas home! I’m so glad he is here! It was a little strange to walk into our apartment after being gone for 2 months but amazing to sleep in my own bed! We were blessed to both travel safely and spend some extra time together! We loved being in Utah with family for about 3 weeks and it is always good to spend time with friends and our cute nieces, and nephews. Susie, Carson’s mom, was so gracious to let us stay in her house and take good care of us. She will be taking care of Carson in Utah so I’m extra grateful he has her or else he probably wouldn’t eat!
Anyway, since were home, I finally found my cord to transfer my photos from my camera to my computer! Here is the highlights of Chicago part 1!! (Starting in Detroit!)
Be back soon with part 2 of our adventures in Chi Town!
Happy Sunday!
Jessie Ann
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