Blog / Diet & Fitness

Easy Does It. Happy is Healthy.

Hey friends!

Happy Thursday! This week is flying by and I’m excited my man is coming to Vegas this weekend! Today I wanted to post a little bit about what makes me feel happy. My life revolves around health most of the time and as a dancer it is important to me to be in top shape.  Sometimes this attitude is not always healthy and bites me in the butt.  I’ve posted about negative triggers, crazy calorie counting, and much more but here is a list of what makes me feel good.

My body is the happiest, and healthiest when I leave it alone.  That sounds crazy but when all I think about is what I’m eating and how much I’m working out, it stresses my body out and I hold onto weight.  When I’m happy, I feel healthy, fit, and relaxed.  When I workout and eat healthy because I want to, not because I HAVE to, I feel the best!

I love fitness. I love the way it makes my body feel! But I hate fitness when I do it out of guilt or because I feel I have to.  Workout because you want to.  I easily get caught in comparing myself to other bloggers, friends, or family members that may be running 9 miles a day, participating in p90x, certifying in the latest workout, and eating only salads and I get a little discouraged! I get the feeling I suddenly need to go run 9 miles.  That’s not what it’s about and each of us are individuals with individual needs.  Take a minute to listen your body and experiment.  If running 9 miles a day is for you, then go for it, but if it’s not, do what feels right. Today I am going to hit it hard with one of my favorite HIIT Amanda Russel workouts. I previously posted about it here and I cant wait!

Here are a couple of my new favorite recipes I found this week that you must try:)

Zucchini Quinoa Lasagna from Peas and Thank You

Blood Orange Smoothie from Edible Perspective

Baked Cheezy Quinoa Casserole

How do you find the balance between happy and healthy?

What is your favorite go to workout?

Happy Thursday!


Jessie Ann


  • Pure2raw twins
    January 27, 2012 at 3:28 pm

    “When I workout and eat healthy because I want to, not because I HAVE to, I feel the best!” —> well said girl!! We totally agree! and thanks for the link love 🙂


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