
Stop Wishing. Start Doing.

Today’s motto as I take on week 3 on Jamie Easons Live Fit Trainer. So far I haven’t seen to many changes but Jamie says that is expected. I won’t see results for another week or two.  Patience is key I guess.  I want results right away but things are going well with eating clean.  Carson had a bag of Cadburys and I even had the power to stay away! Sheesh I wanted them so badly but I have my goal in mind and I’m determined to get it!! I also picked up this new love…

I had heard awesome things about Vega protein and I just had to try it! So far i’m loving it!! It’s all plant based with no scary additives! hopefully this will help me reach my goals! I’m taking these matters into my own hands and doing my best to stay positive through more of these healthy life changes. but believe me, I’m not patient person so waiting for results is killing me! Can I just skip to week 12??

Anyway, here is one more image for your Monday!

isnt that crazy?


Jessie Ann


1 Comment

  • Aunt "T" Harris
    March 26, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    You are so stinkin’ awesome!


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