
spoonful of the box: 10 lessons i’ve learned from the crossfit box

happy friday!

i wish friday was my weekend, but i don’t really get weekends anymore…busy girl busy life! i live for saturday night, and play catch up on sunday before it all starts again.  so it has been a full month of crossfit (not counting my on ramp month since i wasn’t allowed to take the normal classes), and here our 10 valuable things i have learned:)

1. leave your ego at the door.  being the fit chick that i am, i stepped into crossfit thinking i had it in the bag.  that was until i witnessed “toes to bar” and “butterfly pull ups”.  so now i leave my ego at the door and prepare to get my but kicked:)  i’m the newbie so i get down on myself when i can’t do what the others can, but i just remeber its getting better and im getting stronger every time i go!

2. don’t freak out.  when you see the daily workout on the board and you wish you would’ve “accidentally” slept through your alarm.  sometimes i am slightly terrified by what the coaches are asking us to do, but pleasantly surprised when my body figures out a way to make it happen.

3. put your phone with the alarm clock across the room.  as much as i want to say bad words when it goes off, getting me out of bed and across the room is the only way for me to make the 5:45 am class.

4. laugh.  probably one of the more important lessons i have learned.  laugh when i am slipping off the pull up bar or when i have to wiggle my way of the floor during a push up.  laughing is a whole lot easier for the class to handle rather than tears:)  although i will say that tears almost happened on the 5k day….have i mentioned i hate running?

5.  trust the trainers.  they know their stuff and lately have been awesome to take some one on one time to help me perfect some skills.  tap into those resources!

6.  wear long pants on box jump day.  kind of self explanatory.  my shins really hate getting bruised and bloody on the box so leggins or long socks do the trick!

7. make friends.  there is a great sense of camaraderie among other crossfitters and it almost feels like a team!  i need to be better with remembering names because everyone else has remembered mine! it’s so encouraging to hear them cheer you on!

8.  take a little pride.  that’s right! feel good about yourself when you’ve just squatted more than your weight or box jumped your height celebrate a little inside.  our bodies are capable of more than we think:)

9. buy some moleskin and tape.  my hands are pretty knarly! suck it up and tape those bad boys:)

10. a little competition is healthy.  maybe it’s just the competitor spirit in me, but i feel pretty motivated to beat the person next to me and my own previous times! i think a little positive competition is fun as long as it doesn’t get to you:)

i really love crossfit and i get excited to go (sounds crazy but i feel pretty cool and love going).  i also think its getting me somewhat ready for tough mudder, although i will still fall over dead after that race is through.  i even dragged carson along for a free class and i cant get him to go back! he was sooooo sore! as embarrassing as it is, he actually beat my time and i was mad about it, but he couldnt move for the next 3 days! i was proud of him for trying and it goes to show that crossfit is not for everyone!  he loves biking and running and all that and i hate running and all that so its perfect:)

what are you learning from your workout???   

what does your significant other do to stay in shape? 



  • Jill @ Fitness, Health and Happiness
    September 28, 2012 at 8:45 am

    Love this! Cross Fit is a goal for 2013. My husband runs to stay fit. My workouts lately have taught me that that I can do more than I think I can.

    • jessie.james
      September 29, 2012 at 6:14 am

      My hubby runs too! I wish i could convince him to do more crossfit! its amazing what the body can do when we push it! I love it!

  • Angela @ Happy Fit Mama
    September 28, 2012 at 9:13 am

    Just another list of reasons why I want to get into CrossFit. I had a sneak peek at HLS in August and loved it!

    • jessie.james
      September 29, 2012 at 6:12 am

      You should give it a try! I think you would love it!

  • Meredith @ Dare You To
    September 28, 2012 at 10:02 am

    These are great lessons! I’ve heard so much about the community, the fun, the competitive but friendly atmosphere.. gahh must get to a box. I’ve done the workouts a few times tho – pretty awesome.

    • jessie.james
      September 29, 2012 at 6:13 am

      do it! I really love the people there and it’s a blast working out with such chill people!

  • Kierston
    September 28, 2012 at 12:41 pm

    I have yet to try crossfit!

  • Christine @ Love, Life, Surf
    September 28, 2012 at 8:04 pm

    I love these lessons – they apply to Crossfit but I think to life in general, especially leaving your ego at the door and laughing. I’ve heard so many great things about Crossfit and can’t wait to try it (hopefully soon!). Thanks for sharing this.

    • jessie.james
      September 29, 2012 at 6:12 am

      so true! it really is refreshing after living at a regular gym for so long! it;s great to have support


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