
spoonful of dramatic…the only pictures we got from the tough mudder


thanks for all your tips about food prep! i love hearing all of your suggestions! it really is a great little tip to help keep up with our busy lives! anyhow, remember my tough mudder recap? well i expected to have a plethora of photos for recap part 2 but i only got two photos from tough mudder! lame! next time around i will pay my mom to watch and take our own pics ha! so here it is. you can’t even tell how cold or muddy we are because these were taken within the first few miles! it cold and pretty titanic dramatic close to the end!

still looking happy and clean. i think this was right at the start! ha! little did i know what was ahead:) the sun was actually shining at about 8 but decided to go away by 9…then the wind came and a little rain! ugh! burrrrrrr! if the freaking arctic enema wasn’t cold enough!

just a dumpster of ice! ha! jumping in was a huge shock to the system and defiantly woke me up! we ran a little ways following that and my body began to warm up from the inside out. i kept thinking this was not too bad and i was shocked at how great i felt! then it was the berlin walls, climbing over hay walls, mud crawls, and more running.

by the time mile 6 rolled around, i could start to feel my hip flexors in a lot of pain. due to old dance injuries, they began to flare up but i pushed through it and kept running. it steadily got colder and colder and by mile 8 i couldn’t lift my feet higher than an inch of the ground. shamefully i cried because my hips hurt to sooo bad and i was shaking because of the cold. i told myself i HAD to finish even if that meant waddling to the end!

the second pic we have, and we don’t even look that dirty. at least we have a little proof we participated hah! p.s. i will never wear that much spandex again! muddy, wet, and stuck to me in all the wrong places! don’t forget my fingers weren’t working so re tying shoes, adjusting sport bras, and ditching my number was not an option.

my darling hubby and father-in-law held back with my me while my other team mates continued to jog ahead and stay warm. i am a little dramatic and i kept telling carson to go ahead and leave me behind (titanic style) but being the sweetie he is, he jogged in place while i slowly limped my way along. i was so frustrated because i knew i could’ve owned this obstacle course but thanks to the cold and old injuries i was lame and had to walk. (that just means i need to redeem myself in june! whose in with me?)

by the time i reached the funkey monkey, everest, and just the tip obstacles, my body wouldn’t allow me to move more than i already was and the medics were feeding me salt (go figure) and bananas. i cried because i wanted so badly to complete each obstacle! silly me so i kept my head up and walked around those 3 obstacles.

i would have to say that this obstacle was probably the scariest. you had to crawl through a small tube down into a mud/water pit and then pull yourself up another tube out of the pit. talk about claustrophobia as well as gulping down nasty mud water trying to breathe! seesh! thankfully i made it through that one safe and sound!

the last obstacle is the eletroshock! basically run through it and hope for the best or crawl and pray you don’t get shocked! carson ran in front of me and i watched him go down! the shock full on took him out! one of our other team ates blacked out and had to be pulled out of the mud! scary!! so i choose to crawl as low to the ground as i could and thankfully i wasn’t shocked! i wish we had pics of us during this because it would be hilarious to see our terrified faces! the end came and we were too frigid to even think! changing was a task with cold fingers but we survived!!!

hopefully i can convince carson to do it in june when it’s a little warmer so i can make it through all the obstacles! i have never felt more cold or more like i wanted to give up! but looking back, as miserable as it was, it was really fun and i am so glad we did it! go team:)


1 Comment

  • spoonful of tuesday |
    October 23, 2012 at 5:47 am

    […] ← spoonful of dramatic…the only pictures we got from the tough mudder […]


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