
New Place New Look + My Fall Wish List

(totally unrelevant picture to this post…I need to take way more photos) I know I have not been the most ideal blogger the past few weeks but the transition from Utah to Minesotta has been a whirlwind.  With a little more time on my hands I’ve got big plans with this little blog.  Up until a few months ago this blog was soley a health and fitness blog and has since transitiioned into more lifestyle.  I want to keep it that way but I also want to document my new life in the midwest as a Professional dancer as well as a teacher and choreographer.  I was pondering what makes me the happiest these days and yes I still have a large passion for health and fitness but my family and dance have become whats keeping my going these days. And a little retail thereapy never hurts:)  I have already fallen in love with MN and apart of me is really excited that it’s “my” thing.  Utah was where I was born and raised and I am excited to be seperate from that and have my own new space to grow and create.   A fresh start with and unknown outcome.  Scary. I’ve shed my fair share of tears for the unkown and if I take the wrong steps I could fall flat on my face.  Carson thinks I can achieve anything and he should think that being my husband and all so I’ll take that and run with it.   Cheers to new places, new things, and a new me!

On a side note, I have all these open tabs on my laptop full of things I am obsessing over for fall so I thought I would be a gem and share them with you!!!  I am no fashion blogger but sometimes I’ve got some good style:)

I am in serious need of this army green parka for the cold here in mn.  Loving that H&M is online now! Not that I don’t have a few close by, but I love online shopping!  This blouse would be darling with a grey pair of skinnes and a scarf! Fall must have:) Pair that outfit with these ankle boots!  Thank you target! Or this dress from asos would be pretty great with those boots too! For the home I am needing this compass pillow and bicyle print! Too cute!

Hopefully Carson is reading this post and all of these will magically appear on our door step in a week:)


Jessie Ann


  • Angel
    August 15, 2013 at 7:46 pm

    Don’t you LOVE living in a new place!! I know exactly how you feel. I remember first moving to Texas and I had so many emotions about it. Being here after a year we have fallen in LOVE with this place. It has been so fun to have our own adventures. There are days where it is tough and you miss your family, but they are always there for you and still love you. So if you ever get done just keep your head up girl. The greatest thing that i’ve noticed with moving out of state is my relationship with my heavenly father has really grown because we don’t have all of our family and friends close by to help comfort us. So you really start to rely on your heavenly father because at times you feel lonely. So excited for you and your little adventure. YOU guys will love it!! To bad you aren’t here in Texas!!! love you girl!! Sorry for the random yes novel comment 🙂

    • jessie.james
      August 19, 2013 at 11:28 pm

      LOVE it! so scary but so fun! I totally agree! we have leaned on our ward family a lot too which is unusual for me! ITs so nice to be in the mission field and have those experiences! Love following you in insta! your little family is tooo cute!


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