
fair nerds

Since we totally failed at the Minnesota state fair, we decided to give the Renasiance festival a go. Should I be embarresed to admit I had a great time?! I did and that may make me a fair nerd but I’m a sucker for all things fun and food.

We were under dressed as everyone was wearing renasiance get up.  The whole 9 yards.  Corsets, kilts, pirates, faires, archers, and knights….Pretty intense stuff.  We scored some free tix from our ward friends who actually performed at the festival in the Fandazzi fire circus! Cool huh?! Spewing fire and hoola hooping in flames!

We have cool friends:) The whole festival was pretty large, full of lots of entertainmnet, food, and fun.  Still hot and humid but we made do this time around! Carson even wore shorts and we stayed hydrated:) My favorite were the shows full of knife throwing, jousting, and magicians! They even had elephant’s you could ride! Sadly I didn’t get to ride one we were in a hurry to see some of the shows but Carson promised we could go to thailand for that someday:) We’ll see if that happens before kiddos show up.

In high school I learned how to shoot an arrow and I was pretty dang good! I bragged and bragged to Carson how good I was till i picked up a bow and totally made of fool of myself! Finally got the hang of it again but I felt so silly…of course Carson rocked it.  No surpise there! 

We love Minnesota. So much to do and we are trying to get it all in before the cold hits! Sometimes it difficult without any family out here but we have gotten closer and discovered how much we love exploring new places!  I think I am slowly finding myself the more I grow older and living in a new place.  Separate from where I grew up, it gives me a chance to find my identity and leave my mark.  Challenge excepted:)


Jessie Ann

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